
Last Day to Register for Obesity Webinar & New Stroke Risk Webinar

I’m excited to announce my next webinar, taking place on February 19: 

Why Do Vegetarians Have Higher Stroke Risk?

Unlike the obesity webinar, which was put together mostly just to satisfy the intellectual curiosity of fellow nutrition nerds (more info below!), my February webinar is going to be of a more practical nature. Given that high blood pressure and inadequate fruit and vegetable consumption are among the most important things we can do to lower stroke risk, you would assume those eating plant-based diets would be at significantly lower risk, just as they are with heart attacks. You might be surprised to learn that there had never been any studies on the incidence of stroke in vegetarians, though…until now. And if you think that is surprising, wait until you hear the results. Yes, they had lower heart disease risk as expected, but those eating meat-free diets appeared to have more stroke risk. If that is indeed the case, what might be the cause, and what can we do about it? I hope you’ll join me for this important event. For more information and to register, go here.

Date and Time: February 19, 2-4pm ET
Last Day to Register: February 13


Today is the last day to register for my next webinar on January 24 at 2pm ET:

Obesity webinarWhat Triggered the Obesity Epidemic? 

The obesity epidemic exploded throughout the industrialized world in the late 1970s. What happened? Any potential driver would have had to be global in nature and coincide with the upswing of the epidemic. So how do the various theories stack up? Was it the fat, the sugar, our genes, lack of exercise? If you are as curious as I was before I dived in, I hope you’ll join me as I sift through the possibilities and answer your questions in this 2-hour live webinar, which is (*spoiler alert*) based on the first part of my new book How Not to Diet. For more information, and to register, go here.

And speaking of my new book, I was thrilled to be back on Live with Kelly and Ryan and Fox Business to discuss it. 


Speaking Tour Kicking Off

Speaking tourI’ve started my 200-city speaking tour. This will take me all over the US and other parts of the world. Here are a few of the upcoming events that are open to the public. You can also see the full list here.

1/12/2020 Loma Linda, CA
Loma Linda University School of Medicine 

1/17/2020 Sedona, AZ
L’Auberge de Sedona for Health and Nutrition Conference & Sedona Performing Arts Center for VegFest

2/7/2020 Boise, ID
Plant Based in Boise

2/16/2020 Camarillo, CA
Whole Conference

Holistic Holiday at Sea


Seeking Chinese Translation Volunteers

Chinese volunteersWe’re currently seeking volunteers with experience in English-Chinese translation and editing as we continue to bring the latest research on nutrition to people in Chinese-speaking regions. You can find the volunteer position descriptions and applications here



Host a How Not to Die Screening

Over 30 How Not to Die Screening events have taken place around the world since last April. These events have brought communities together and have allowed this life-saving information to effectively reach wider audiences. Consider hosting a free event in your area. For more information and to apply, go here





Physicians Association for Nutrition

Physicians Assoc. for NutritionThe international medical organization Physicians Association for Nutrition (PAN International) is calling all health professionals supportive of a plant-based diet to add themselves to their latest website feature: an interactive map and list where patients around the globe can identify supportive practitioners near them. If you are a physician, physician assistant, registered dietician, or a nurse practitioner, please visit their website and consider adding your practice to the list!


Top 3 Videos of the Month


Are Pre-Cut Vegetables Just as Healthy?

Are Pre-Cut Vegetables Just as Healthy?

Endotoxins can build up on pre-chopped vegetables and undermine some of their benefits.


Are BCAA (Branched Chain Amino Acids) Healthy?

Are BCAA (Branched-Chain Amino Acids) Healthy?

Why we may want to strive not to exceed the recommended intake of protein.


Is Breakfast the Most Important Meal for Weight Loss?

Is Breakfast the Most Important Meal for Weight Loss?

Is the link between breakfast skipping and obesity cause-and-effect?



Live Q&As January 23

Live Q&A


Every month now I do Q&As live from my treadmill, and January 23 is the day.

  • Facebook Live: At 12:00 p.m. ET go to our Facebook page to watch live and ask questions.
  • YouTube Live Stream: At 1:00 p.m. ET go here to watch live and ask even more questions! 

You can now find links to all of my past live YouTube and Facebook Q&As right here on If that’s not enough, remember I have an audio podcast to keep you company at


In health,
Michael Greger, M.D.

PS: If you haven’t yet, you can subscribe to my free videos here and watch my live, year-in-review presentations:

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