
How Not to Die in a Pandemic Webinar Coming Up

Due to the continuing spread of coronavirus, I’m doing a webinar on the subject: How Not to Die in a Pandemic. This webinar will be April 8 from 2-4pm ET. For more information and to register, go here

The videos from my most recent webinar, Why Do Vegetarians Have Higher Stroke Risk?, are now available for digital download here

In fact, all of my previous webinars are available:

Many of the videos from those webinars are already up on, but if you’d like them all in one place, check out the downloads. Note that these are just the videos from the webinars, and do not include the live Q&As.

New volume covers Lp(a)

Volume 50My new volume is out today and is available as a streaming video so you can start watching it immediately. As you can see below, the main focus is on the obesity epidemic and the question of whether vegetarians really have higher stroke risk and why. If these topics look familiar, it is because they were the focus of my recent webinars (see below for details on my next one!)  All of these videos will eventually be available for free online over the next few months, but if you don’t want to wait, you can watch them all streaming right now. You can also order it as a physical DVD.

Here’s the full list of chapters from the new volume—a preview of what’s to come over the next few months on

1. The Role of Diet vs. Exercise in the Obesity Epidemic
2. The Role of Genes in the Obesity Epidemic
3. The Thrifty Gene Theory: Survival of the Fattest
4. Cut the Calorie-Rich-And-Processed Foods
5. The Role of Processed Foods in the Obesity Epidemic
6. The Role of Taxpayer Subsidies in the Obesity Epidemic
7. The Role of Marketing in the Obesity Epidemic
8. The Role of Food Advertisements in the Obesity Epidemic
9. The Role of Personal Responsibility in the Obesity Epidemic
10. The Role of Corporate Influence in the Obesity Epidemic
11. The Role of the Toxic Food Environment in the Obesity Epidemic
12. Benefits of Quinoa for Lowering Triglycerides
13. Treating High Lp(a): A Risk Factor for Atherosclerosis
14. How to Lower Lp(a) with Diet
15. What to Eat for Stroke Prevention
16. What Not to Eat for Stroke Prevention
17. Do Vegetarians Really Have Higher Stroke Risk?
18. Vegetarians and Stroke Risk Factors—Vitamin D?
19. Vegetarians and Stroke Risk Factors—Omega 3s?
20. Vegetarians and Stroke Risk Factors—Vegan Junk Food?
21. Vegetarians and Stroke Risk Factors—Saturated Fat?
22. Vegetarians and Stroke Risk Factors—Animal Protein?
23. Vegetarians and Stroke Risk Factors—Vitamin B12 & Homocysteine?
24. How to Test for Functional Vitamin B12 Deficiency
25. Should Vegetarians Take Creatine to Normalize Homocysteine?
26. The Efficacy and Safety of Creatine for High Homocysteine

Order my new DVD at or as a video download/streaming at And remember, if you watch the videos on or YouTube, you can access captions in several different languages. To find yours, click on the settings wheel on the lower-right of the video and then “Subtitles/CC.” 

If you are a $25+ monthly supporter and opted in to our donor rewards, you’d already be an expert on these new topics by now, having already received a complimentary link to the new download. New downloads are released every nine weeks. If you’d like to automatically receive them before they’re even available to the public, please consider becoming a monthly supporter.

Anyone signing up on the donation page to become a $25+ monthly contributor will be given an opportunity to opt in to receive the newest downloads for free as long as their contributions are current.


Speaking Tour on Hold

Speaking tourGiven the level of reported community transmission and the prospects of flattening the pandemic curve by preventing unnecessary public gatherings, I’m postponing my speaking tour until we have a better handle on the prevalence and spread after sufficient testing is completed. Please check our speaking tour page for the most up to date information on events. 

I’ve also been doing tons of interviews – here’s a recent one featured in British GQ

Top 3 Videos of the Month

Are Ancient Grains Healthier?Are Ancient Grains Healthier?

Ancient wheats like kamut are put to the test for inflammation, blood sugar, and cholesterol control.



The Best Diet for DiabetesThe Best Diet for Diabetes

The case for using a plant-based diet to reduce the burden of diabetes has never been stronger.


Benefits of Grapes for Brain HealthBenefits of Grapes for Brain Health

Grape juice and whole grapes are put to the test for brain function, including cognitive decline in early Alzheimer’s.



Live Q&AEvery month now I do Q&As live from my treadmill, and today is the day.

  • Facebook Live: At 12:00 p.m. ET go to our Facebook page to watch live and ask questions.
  • YouTube Live Stream: At 1:00 p.m. ET go here to watch live and ask even more questions! 

You can now find links to all of my past live YouTube and Facebook Q&As right here on If that’s not enough, remember I have an audio podcast to keep you company at

In health,
Michael Greger, M.D.

PS: If you haven’t yet, you can subscribe to my free videos hereand watch my live, year-in-review presentations:

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