
Armed Trump supporters attempt to storm Arizona election polls

They believed that the votes were not being counted properly (Photo: Twitter)

A large crowd of Trump supporters, some armed, have surrounded an Arizona polling location in anger over the vote count.

The crowd began to grow on Wednesday night in Phoenix, Arizona and looks to be in the hundreds as the election count went into early Thursday morning.

The group was heard screaming ‘count the votes’ and claimed that no Republicans were counting the vote.

The Maricopa County Sheriff’s Department brought a team of officers in full tactical gear to the polling location due to the number of protestors.

Many were yelling the popular Trump slogan, ‘Fake News,’ while waving flags that brandished the president’s name.

The count in Arizona has been put into question due to being called early on Tuesday by Fox News. It has since become a closer race in the state, with hundreds of thousands of votes still being counted.

Some people in the group were heard saying ‘Shame on Fox’ in videos that were seen on Twitter, in reference to Fox News’s calling of Joe Biden winning the state.

Votes are still being counted in Arizona, but Biden is winning with 50.7% of the vote to Trump’s 47.9%.

Meanwhile Biden has 253 electoral college votes, while Trump has 214. In order to be elected as president, a candidate must get 270 electoral college votes.

While many states have still yet to be called, Trump is claiming that the election is rigged, with no evidence to back up his claims.

Twitter has censored some of his tweets that claim he is spreading false information.

The president was up in some key battleground states, but after mail-in ballots were counted, Trum’s lead dwindled. Biden ended up winning in Michigan and Wisconsin, with Pennsylvania still counting.

Trump is saying that this is a form of voter suppression by the Democrats, which is leading his supporters to believe that the votes were not counted in a fair manner.

Georgia, Nevada, North Carolina and Pennsylvania have yet to be called, and the race is still tight.

Trump supporters also showed up in droves at a polling station in Detroit, Michigan to contest the vote counting.

Biden does seem to have a slightly better chance at victory than Trump. There are estimates that we will not have all the votes counted for a couple more days.

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