
Dad, 27, dies days after discharging himself from A&E fearing he’d catch Covid

Dad, 27, dies days after discharging himself from A&E fearing he'd catch Covid
David Warner was worried about catching the virus and passing it on to partner Vicky Jones and daughter Evie (Picture: David Warner/Facebook/Instagram )

A father died suddenly at home days after discharging himself from A&E over fears he would catch coronavirus and pass it on to his young family.

David Warner, 27, from Guildford, Surrey, was given a test after being admitted to a hospital in the South East with chest pains earlier this month.

But he became terrified he would get infected after being placed on a Covid-19 ward while waiting for the results and decided to walk out.

The father-of-two was found dead in the living room days after returning home to partner Vicky Jones and their six-month-old daughter Evie.

Ms Jones told The Sun: ‘He put his foot down and said he had a six-month-old baby at home, and would rather take his chances with whatever was giving him chest pains than risk infecting Evie.’

She added that Mr Warner’s coronavirus test later came back negative, saying it felt like a ‘final insult’.

The 21-year-old described how her partner spent his final moments looking after their daughter, having gone into another room to soothe her when she woke up crying.

She said he had fed and changed Evie and lifted her into her bouncy chair before she walked in and found him.

Mr Warner pictured with partner Vicky and their daughter Evie (Picture: Facebook)
Ms Jones found her partner dead in the living room (Picture: Facebook)

Ms Jones added: ‘The last thing he would have seen was her laughing and smiling. I felt like my world had ended when I realised he was dead.’

The family has set up a GoFundMe page to raise money for Mr Warner’s funeral.

His partner wrote on the page: ‘Everyone that knew David would know how much time he had for anyone who reached out to him and always done his best to help, and would never want anything in return.

‘He thought the world of his family and his two beautiful daughters, always saying how they were his purpose in life and that he wanted to give them the entire world.’

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