
Skiers stopped at Eurostar for trying to escape lockdown with Swiss holiday

Group stopped getting Eurostar for ski holiday
The group were stopped with luggage and ski bags at St Pancras (left) (Picture: Reuters/Getty/EurostarJustinp)

A group attempting to travel to Switzerland for a ski holiday were stopped from boarding a Eurostar train at London St Pancras in breach of coronavirus restrictions.

Train manager Justin, who did not give his surname, posted on Twitter that French border police deployed at the station had turned the travellers away on Wednesday morning.

A photograph shows the group was carrying at least one large bag of winter sports equipment.

Justin wrote that a ski trip ‘does not count as essential travel’ and there are ‘very limited reasons for travel to France’.

He added: ‘I really fancy a trip with my family to eat chips in Brussels but there’s a global pandemic on right now.

‘If we all do our bit and are patient for this final push, then hopefully we can get back to doing all of those things we love.’

Last week, a Eurostar passenger trying to travel to a yoga class in Paris was also turned away from London St Pancras.

France only permits a limited group of people to arrive from the UK, such as transport workers, people delivering goods or those who normally live in France.

epa08914175 Passengers from the First post-Brexit Eurostar from London arrive at the Eurostar terminal in Gare du Nord train station in Paris, France, 01 January 2021. Britain officialy left the European Union on 31 December 2020. EPA/CHRISTOPHE PETIT TESSON
International holidays are banned in England during the third lockdown (Picture: EPA)

All international holidays have been banned for everyone in England, with only essential travel allowed.

If you do need to travel abroad, you must have a legally permitted reason, such as work.

Closer to home, eight friends were each fined £200 after travelling 175 miles down from Coventry to the idyllic Durdle Door in Dorset on Sunday.

‘I was gobsmacked at what they had done,’ a Lulworth Ranger said. ‘They were blatantly ignoring the rules.’

Police officers were stunned to find two car loads of residents 150 miles from Coventry at a Dorset attracrtion. The sightseers have travelled from the city to the picturesque Lulworth Estate in Dorset only for their day out to be scuppered.
The eight mates drove 175 miles from Coventry to Durdle Door in Dorset (Picture: BPM)

Government guidance states you should minimise the time you spend outside your home during the third national lockdown.

You are permitted to leave for childcare and education, exercise, medical appointments, caring responsibilities and any other special circumstances including your support bubble.

Brits have been advised to stay in ‘your local area’ for non-essential activities, meaning your ‘village, town or part of a city where you live’.

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