
Nearly a quarter of young Americans think Holocaust didn’t happen

Dachau, the first concentration camp, built in 1933, outside of Munich
Only 6% of the survey respondents had heard of Dachau, the first concentration camp, built in 1933, outside of Munich (Picture: Getty Images)

A shocking survey found that nearly a quarter of young Americans think that the Holocaust either did not take place or that it has been exaggerated.

Among Americans 18 to 39 years old, 23% said they believe that the genocide of European Jews during World War II is a myth or that the number killed was exaggerated, according to a 50-state survey by the Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany.

The survey, released in September 2020 and reported by The Independent on Monday, also found that one in 10 young Americans are of the belief that the Holocaust did not happen at all.

‘The results are both shocking and saddening, and they underscore why we must act now while Holocaust survivors are still with us to voice their stories,’ Gideon Taylor, president of the Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany, said in a statement.

A particularly disheartening finding was that almost 20% of Millennials and Gen Z Americans in New York felt that Jews were the ones who caused the Holocaust.

‘The surprising state-by-state results highlight a worrying lack of basic Holocaust knowledge, a growing problem as fewer and fewer Holocaust survivors – eyewitnesses to a state-sponsored genocide – are alive to share the lessons of the Holocaust,’ the survey’s report states.

In addition, the 63% of respondents said they did not know that 6million Jews were murdered, and 36% thought the number of deaths was 2million or fewer.

Meanwhile, about half, or 48% of respondents could not name a single Holocaust camp or ghetto although there were more than 40,000. Just 6% of respondents had heard of Dachau, the first concentration camp, built in 1933 outside of Munich to hold political prisoners. Most of the murders during the Holocaust occurred from 1941 to 1945.

The survey is the first to include all 50 states and was done to show what parts of the US knew least about the Holocaust. A ‘knowledge score’ was calculated based on the percentage of respondents who had heard of the Holocaust, could name at least one concentration camp, death camp or ghetto and were aware that 6million Jews were killed. Arkansas took the bottom spot with 17% meeting the knowledge criteria, while Wisconsin scored the highest at 42%.

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