
Nancy Pelosi aide, White House official catch Covid after reception with Texas Democrats

An aide for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (right) and a White House official tested positive for Covid-19 after attending a reception with Texas Democrats who fled the state to stop Republicans in the state legislature (left) from passing restrictive voting laws
An aide for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (right) and a White House official tested positive for Covid-19 after attending a reception with Texas Democrats who fled the state to stop Republicans in the state legislature (left) from passing restrictive voting laws (Pictures: AP/Reuters)

An aide for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and a White House official have tested positive for Covid-19 after attending a reception with Democratic Texas lawmakers who flew to Washington, DC, to block a change in state voting laws.

The Pelosi aide and White House official were both vaccinated and experienced mild symptoms.

Pelosi’s staffer helped usher a delegation of Texas Democrats around the US Capitol last week after they left the state to try to thwart a special legislative session with Republicans wanting to pass restrictive election reforms. Six members of the delegation have since tested positive for the coronavirus.

In a statement to Axios on Tuesday, Pelosi’s deputy chief of staff Drew Hammill said: ‘Yesterday, a fully-vaccinated senior spokesperson in the Speaker’s press office tested positive for Covid after contact with members of the Texas state legislature last week.’

Hammill added that ‘the entire press office is working remotely today with the exception of individuals who have had no exposure to the individual or have had a recent negative test’.

Pelosi’s staffer and the White House official were at the same reception on the rooftop of Hotel Eaton last Wednesday night.

A White House official on Tuesday told Axios that a ‘fully vaccinated White House official tested positive for Covid-19 off campus’.

‘The White House Medical Unit has conducted contact tracing interviews and determined no close contacts among White House principals and staff,’ the official said in a statement. ‘The individual has mild symptoms.’

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki during her briefing on Tuesday confirmed that a staff member had a positive test and that the person would remain off campus while waiting for a PCR test.

The White House official who tested positive did not have direct contact with President Joe Biden recently. Pelosi’s aide likewise did not interact with the speaker since being exposed to the virus.

Asked about her staffer on Tuesday, Pelosi said: ‘I’m sorry he has it. All the more reason for all of us to be vaccinated as he was. Wear a mask. Take every precaution.’

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