
Are TV fan sites the latest target for sexual predators?

With the pressure of GCSEs and being bullied at school for her weight, television shows were the only safe haven for 17-year-old Carrie.

Not only did they offer the teenager a way to forget her loneliness, their online fan sites also provided solace – somewhere to connect with like-minded people and make friends.

‘I was really lonely so joining TV show fan groups was about meeting people who didn’t think I was a fat blob, as much as to read about the shows themselves,’ admits Carrie, who is going by a pseudonym to protect her identity. 

‘I felt self conscious about my looks, but on the fan pages, I could be the real me. When I posted stuff and people liked my comments or said they were funny or clever, it made me feel good about myself.’

After joining an unofficial fan page for the show Riverdale on Facebook, Carrie befriended a boy called Steve – a ‘hot’, self-confessed sci-fi geek who claimed to be a 19-year-old sophomore student in the USA. 

‘He seemed to like every single thing I wrote as soon as I posted it and seeing him respond gave me a thrill,’ she remembers. ‘So when he sent me a friend request, I accepted without hesitation. There was no way a guy like that would look at me twice in real life and he was way more mature than the boys who laughed at my appearance at school. 

‘I had never had a boyfriend before so when the private chat turned sexual, which happened very quickly, I thought that was normal. Steve was quite pushy, asking me to send nude selfies. I didn’t want to, but then he wouldn’t talk to me for days and I didn’t want to lose him, so I sent him some topless selfies.’

Around two months after the pair first started talking, Steve messaged Carrie to say he was in the UK on holiday and wanted to meet up in person. 

A view of a Carrie from the back looking at her phone. She has long brown hair and is wearing a white shirt
‘Joining TV show fan groups was about meeting people who didn’t think I was a fat blob, as much as to read about the shows themselves.’ says Carrie (Picture: supplied)

‘He said he loved me but the only way I could prove I loved him was by having sex with him,’ she recalls. ‘He told me that in America they had a belief called touch love which meant love couldn’t be real without sex and I believed him.’

However, although initially excited to finally see Steve in the flesh when Carrie did meet him on a busy London street as arranged, the experience left her severely shaken. 

‘He wasn’t American at all but English and well into his 30s,’ she explains. ‘He was quite aggressive about going to a hotel straight away, which scared me, so I suggested we go to a bar.

‘His breath smelt and I felt sick, but I let him kiss me and touch me to buy time while I tried to work out an escape.’ 

Thankfully, a female member of bar staff saw that the teenager was in distress and got one of her colleagues to distract the man, while she sneaked me out of the staff entrance to call Carrie a taxi. 

‘She wanted to call the police, but my mum would have killed me,’ says Carrie.

‘As soon as I got home, I left all the groups I was on and deactivated my Facebook account. I also deleted all his messages and blocked him. Just seeing them on my phone made me feel really dirty.

‘I told my cousin who said I should have at least told whoever runs the Facebook page, but I had already deactivated my account. Now it really haunts me that he could try it with someone else.’ 

While such an experience may seem extreme, grooming and sexual harassment across social media is rife

Just last week the NSPCC announced that the number of recorded offences involving sexual communication with a child had increased by nearly 70% since 2018.

A picture of a laptop in a dark room., Hovering over the keyboard a hand holds a mobile phone
‘More groomers are turning to online platforms to abuse because it is so much more accessible’ (Picture: Getty Images/Science Photo Libra)

Meanwhile research released earlier this year by the Internet Watch Foundation (IWF) discovered that girls aged between 11 and 13 are more at risk of being groomed by sexual predators on the internet than ever before. Police records have also revealed for the first time that 84% of victims in online grooming cases are girls.

‘Sexual trauma is a serious problem in mental health among young women,’ explains psychologist Lilly Sabir. ‘The NSPCC reported a 93% rise in online cases of sexual abuse. Men can easily access body images pictures from girls and a large chunk of sexual harassment online is vulnerable risk young women who are coaxed or bullied into sending men explicit images. 

‘More groomers are turning to online platforms to abuse because it is so much more accessible,’ she adds. ‘The legal system is struggling to keep up with tech advances, so it’s seen as a way of staying above the law.’

According to the National Crime Agency (NCA), there are thought to be at least 300,000 people in the UK who pose a sexual threat to children. In 2020 there were over 80,000 UK-related referrals to the National Centre for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC), including 52% from Facebook and 11% from Instagram.

As Carrie experienced, TV fan sites are just one of the cogs in a huge online wheel of opportunity for predators looking to target new prey. 

‘It is easy to think you know people but you don’t really,’ she admits. 

‘Online groomers may target children on any site or platform that is popular with young people, so TV fan sites are just one of the many ways they can do that,’ explains Carolyn Bunting, CEO of online safety organisation, Internet Matters.

‘A groomer will often aim to contact a number of youngsters at any one time by sending out multiple friend requests to see who responds. Through online communities and games, they might strike up a conversation to build a relationship with a child and ask them to continue the talking on another platform or chat privately.

‘As fan sites may be unmoderated and won’t necessarily be blocked by parental controls, parents and carers should ensure their children are well-informed and understand the risks before using them.’

Carolyn adds that what’s really important is to have discussions with young people on how grooming actually works, as children might not realise when they are experiencing it.

‘Quite often an online groomer may attempt to gain the trust of their victim, sometimes by using fake profile pictures, but often pretending to have similar interests’ she explains. ‘By trying to build a connection about a shared interest, it can lead the young person to believe they are speaking with someone they can trust and are friends with.’

Cropped shot of a young woman lying on a sofa using a smartphone
The IWF say they have seen a devastating increase in the amount of young people being targeted, groomed, bullied or coerced by an adult online (Picture: Getty Images)

A spokesperson for the IWF agrees. ‘Any platform can, and will, be abused by sexual predators who are looking to groom children,’ they say.

‘These criminals are devious and, if a site can be abused, they will find a way to do it. For young people the effects can be devastating.’

While the IWF have never come across cases specifically to do with social media TV fan sites, they explain that over the years they’ve witnessed a devastating increase in the amount of images and videos of children sexually abusing themselves, often after being targeted, groomed, bullied, or coerced by an adult online.

‘During the pandemic, we have seen even more of this kind of abuse,’ adds their spokesperson.

Taking into account the amount of TV fan sites across social media helps puts into perspective just how many young people are potential prey for sexual predators.

For example, according to Statistia, in June this year The Simpsons had the most liked Facebook page among other TV shows, with 62 million fans, while the Harry Potter Franchise has over 73million followers on Facebook alone.

While most television shows have official pages run by TV companies with huge marketing budgets and full time teams to oversee them, they also spawn dozens of fan created pages, simply set up for the love of the show.

The majority of users are there just to share their mutual fandom, but if you have a Facebook group or Instagram page with 100k members or followers, that small minority who misuse the site can end up being a worryingly large number of individuals.

Meanwhile, according to a survey from Plan International, teenage girls as young as 15 have spoken out about getting private messages from much older men asking for sex. 

Some fans have even been contacted from fake accounts purporting to be from stars of the show, using screenshots of fake ID, asking for money to meet them or to ask for sexual favours.

One of Netflix biggest success stories of the past couple of years has been the series Cobra Kai, based on the 80s film, The Karate Kid, which includes many of the original actors. 

Rear view of teenage girl using smart phone app while watching TV in living room at home
While most TV shows have official pages, they also spawn dozens of fan created pages (Picture: Getty Images/Maskot)

While the success of the series has been attributed to loyal fans, the show has also attracted a new generation, thanks to its younger cast members, such as Nickelodeon and Disney alumni Tanner Buchanan and Peyton List. However, the wide range of ages that this show and many others, such as Stranger Things and The End of The F***ing World, appeal to has made some fan pages a less than safe place for younger people.

When Faye James*, 15, finally got her official Cobra Kai t-shirt in the post, she immediately took a selfie and posted it on to one of the unofficial online fan groups as she had seen many others do. Within minutes, she began getting private messages from older men.

‘People are always posting pictures of themselves wearing show merch so I didn’t really think anything of it,’ Faye explains. ‘I was just excited about showing off my new top and looking forward to people saying how cool it was. I was shocked when I started getting pervy messages.

‘It wasn’t just one either. It was 10 guys and when I looked at their profiles, they were mostly old men who were married with kids my age.’

Among the messages, Faye was told that she ‘had a great body’, while another said they wanted to have sex with her, ‘going into detail about what they would want to do with me in bed,’ she says.

The teen admits the messages really scared her. 

‘Luckily, I have a very open relationship with my mum so I showed her them,’ says Faye. 

‘Mum had a go at the men and then reported them to admin, who blocked them from the group. The site administrators also sent me messages asking if I was okay and to let them know straight away if any guys hassle me again.’

Concerned about what her daughter had been through, Kelly decided to join some of the same groups to see what was going on. 

‘On the Cobra Kai pages, you get two lots of fans – the 80s retro ones who grew up on The Karate Kid,  then there’s the younger kids – like Faye – who are new to the franchise. Sometimes teenage fans will post something and older men will start commenting.’

‘I think to myself, “girl, this isn’t your private Facebook page”, but they don’t realise the danger.’

Kelly says that on a more positive note, she’s noticed that often other fans will step in and call out any abuse, especially when young girls are targeted, while admins usually take action swiftly. ‘But I can imagine it must be hard to police these groups when they have thousands of members,’ she admits. 

Picture of Peyton List, wearing a orange dress at an event, next to a picture of Tanner Buchanan in a black short sleeve shirt at a Comic Con event
Younger actors Peyton List and Tanner Buchanan both star in the Netflix hit Cobra Kai along with the original stars of the Karate Kid movies (Picture: Getty)

‘When you see guys in their 40’s making sexual comments about the young actresses, it can be really intimidating for young girls in the group and gets my hackles up.

‘I often challenge them on it,’ adds Kelly. ‘Men will justify it by saying the actress is 24 in real life, but if they are playing school kids on the show, I think it’s skating on very thin ice.’

While some Facebook fandom pages are run as a full time business, the majority are set up just for fun by fans of the show in their spare time, combining jobs and basically real life, with running the groups. Thanks to streaming channels like Disney Plus and Netflix which allows people to binge watch a whole series in a day, if a show suddenly takes off in a big way, fan pages can explode in a matter of hours.   

Although most will have admin rules specifying being respectful and booting off anyone who sexually harasses other members or expressing racist and homophobic views, these rules of conduct can be hard to enforce, especially if you are dealing with hundreds of posts on a daily basis, which in turn attract hundreds of replies each. Often groups rely on fellow members to watch out for inappropriate behaviour.

Vicky Leyland, 44 from North Yorkshire combines her full time job as a nursery practitioner with running one of the biggest fan pages for the reality TV show Love Island. The group has nearly 85k members and gets roughly 300 posts a day, which in turn often get hundreds of responses, which Vicki and her admins have to monitor.

‘It’s crazy keeping up with member requests,’ she admits. ‘I’m really surprised how fast it’s grown. I have rules because I want it to be a safe place for everyone and use the hashtag #bekind as Caroline Flack was the heart of Love Island and it’s apt here.

‘It’s challenging at times to deal with constant messages, disputes and reports, especially with a full time job and a daughter, so in the end I increased my admin team. Although we haven’t faced any sexual harassment issues in our group, I would not be surprised if it happens.’ 

Vicky Leyland standing indoors and smiling by a window. She is wearing a black and grey lacy top and has her brown hair up
Vicky Leyland runs an online fan group for Love Island fans (Picture: supplied)

Such is the issue of harassment, grooming and abuse on social media sites, that Facebook, who also owns Instagram and WhatsApp, introduced new tools to help group admins moderate potentially harmful conversations in March this year.

They also have specific policies to protect users’ safety, such as removing direct threats, harassment and gendered cursing and technology to detect sexual predators and inappropriate interactions between adults and minors.

‘Facebook Groups are a place where like-minded fans, supporters and enthusiasts can come together to discuss their interests,’ explains a spokesperson for the site.

‘To ensure they do so safely we have clear policies against harassment which apply across Facebook, including in Groups and direct messaging. We tackle unwanted contact in a number of ways, including safety notices to prevent interactions between minors and adults and the ability to block accounts.’

Psychologist Lilly Sabir adds, ‘While fan pages are a great way to enhance your enjoyment of a particular TV show, it’s important to remember that just because someone is a fan, they are not your friend and take the precautions that you would take in any online encounter with a stranger.’

However, she also notes that for all its faults, social media has also become a great weapon in the fight against sexual harassment and grooming.

‘The online system is making it easier to catch sex offenders,’ she says. ‘While campaigns like #MeToo are making it easier for victims to come forward.’ 

For online safeguarding groups, transparency between parents and children is also key in helping in the fight against social media sexual predators.

‘Parents need to know the dangers are out there, as we know that one good quality conversation between a parent or guardian and their child can make a huge difference,’ says the spokesperson for the IWF.

‘Even by broaching the topic, you can give children the confidence to open up and, if they are being targeted online, it could make all the difference in spotting and preventing further, worse, abuse. Just talking to children about what they are experiencing online can be the first step in making sure they are kept safe and are empowered to call out predatory adults and stop them.’

‘Online grooming can be a tricky subject to talk about with children,’ admits Carolyn from Internet Matters. ‘But it’s important parents start these conversations early. Spend time discussing where they interact with friends online and what they share with others. Explain how easy it is to pretend to be someone else online, and why an adult may wish to approach them.

‘Having these regular and open conversations about online safety will help children know they can talk to a trusted adult should they feel unsafe or worried.’

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