Your morning routine is probably quite important to you.
Waking up and starting your day in a certain way can determine your mood – we all know what happens if you get out of the wrong side of the bed.
But the time you choose to brush your teeth can affect more than just your mood, according to a dentist.
Dental professional Anna Peterson, from Essex, warned her followers on TikTok that we should really be brushing our teeth before breakfast, not after.
The dentist said that brushing after breakfast could actually damage your teeth.
‘Did you know you shouldn’t brush your teeth after breakfast? Always before,’ Anna says in the video.
‘When you eat breakfast your mouth becomes acidic.
‘So, what you’re doing when you brush your teeth after breakfast is brushing the acid into the tooth and this wears away the enamel.’
It might feel counterintuitive, and no, we don’t want the dreaded combination of toothpaste and orange juice to start our day, but Anna says it actually makes sense to do it this way round.
‘Brushing before breakfast protects your teeth from anything you’re going to eat,’ she explains.
People in the comments are pretty baffled by this revelation.
‘Why does nobody tell you this?’ asked one.
‘Never ever got told anything about personal care when I was in school!’ exclaimed another.
Another added: ‘Except I don’t fancy minty cereal…’
Well, same. But your teeth will probably thank you.
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