A young man got into a drunken rage and kicked his girlfriend’s car so hard it was cheaper to write it off than get it fixed.
Ross McDonald, 20, had a squeaky clean record as a fourth-year environmental engineering student.
But now he has been prosecuted for vandalism – after he seriously damaged his girlfriend’s car.
McDonald showed up at the Tesco car park in Falkirk, Stirlingshire, Scotland, ‘extremely intoxicated’ at about 10pm on May 1.
He had a part-time job at the supermarket with his girlfriend Rachel Cairns, who had her car parked in the Central Retail Park while she worked.
McDonald was so drunk that night, another member of staff asked him to leave. But he stayed and started ‘kicking the front of the vehicle, and damaging the door handles and wing mirror’.

The prosecution told Falkirk Sheriff Court: ‘(McDonald) was spoken to and asked if it was his car and he said “obviously” but then ran away.’
By the time police arrived at the car park, McDonald had returned. He told officers it was his girlfriends’ car and that he was supposed to be getting a lift home.
When he was arrested he said: ‘I’ve done it, but I’ve not done it in bad terms.’
The cost of repairing the car was quoted at £750, which Miss Cairns’ insurers would not pay, so the car was written off.
Miss Cairns told police she did not like it when McDonald drank alcohol, saying there was an incident every time he got drunk.
McDonald pleaded guilty to vandalism. He was ordered to pay a £470 fine and he lost his job at Tesco.
Hid defence lawyer reminded the court that McDonald was drunk, saying he had ‘absolutely no recollection of the incident whatsoever’.
Speaking directly to McDonald, Sheriff Eric Brown said: ‘You appear as a first offender. It’s very unfortunate when someone in your position, about to enter the fourth year of an engineering degree, should find himself before the court on a charge such as this.
‘It demonstrates what those of us who sit in the courts are all too familiar with – the perils of drink – and hopefully this will be a salutary lesson to you.’
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