
Fire breaks out at Kabul airport as desperate Afghans try to escape

Fire shown breaking out amid desperate scenes at airport in Kabul comp credit reuters and Muslim Shirzad @MuslimShirzad
Afghans continue to wait outside Kabul’s airport despite reports of a fire inside the evacuation point (Picture: @MuslimShirzad/file image)

A fire has been reported at Kabul’s international airport as tens of thousands of Afghans make desperate attempts to leave the country.

Mobile phone footage shows smoke billowing out from an unseen location apparently inside the mass evacuation point, where a mass airlift has been taking place amid a fraught and deadly security situation.

Political activist Muslim Shirzad told tonight that the fire shown at 4.22pm local time today was inside an entrance gate and was the work of ‘Taliban or foreigners’.

Despite the smoke in the sky, desperate Afghans continued to wait outside the perimeter hoping to find a place on evacuation flights.

Mr Shirzad said: ‘It’s calm and normal right now.

‘The airport firefighters with the help of foreigners have got the fire under control.

‘It was after the entrance to the first gate inside the airport.

‘It was the work of either Taliban or foreigners.

‘There is still smoke above the airport but people are still outside, frustrated people don’t care about fire or bullets.

‘They are the real image of a hopeless nation where they think everyone abandoned them.’

Mr Shirzad shared videos on Twitter showing plumes of thick black smoke billowing out from the airport’s general location, with a plane landing despite the hazard.

Another piece of footage shows thousands of people continuing to wait outside the perimeter despite the blaze and heat haze in the distance.

There were no further details about how the fire started tonight.

Thousands of Afghans continue to queue outside Kabul airport despite a fire breaking out nearby (Picture: @MuslimShirzad)
Thousands of Afghans continue to wait outside Kabul airport despite a fire breaking out nearby (Picture: @MuslimShirzad)
Fire shown breaking out amid desperate scenes at airport in Kabul credit Muslim Shirzad @MuslimShirzad
A plane comes into land despite smoke rising from the location of Kabul’s airport amid increasingly desperate scenes (Picture: @MuslimShirzad)

Desperate and chaotic scenes have been playing out at Hamid Karzai International Airport with eight days to go until a scheduled US withdrawal that the Taliban insist must take place.

An Afghan guard helping American forces with the evacuation effort was killed this morning in an exchange of gunfire involving US and German soldiers, according to reports.

The deadly exchange followed seven Afghans being killed on Saturday in a crush at the gates, the latest in a string of fatalities caused by the huge crowds gathered outside the airport.

 Thick black smoke rises from a reported fire at Kabul airport where tens of thousands of Afghans have gathered (Picture: @MuslimShirzad)
Thick black smoke rises from a reported fire at Kabul airport where tens of thousands of Afghans have gathered (Picture: @MuslimShirzad)

The crowd outside now numbers tens of thousands of people, according to Sky News.

The airport has become the epicentre of the tense multinational evacuation effort after the Taliban swept to power when they seized Kabul just over a week ago.

One former British Army interpreter told today how he gave up trying to gain access to the airport with his wife and one-year-old son amid the sheer weight of numbers gathered outside. has approached the Ministry of Defence for comment.

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