A woman who slipped from a bridge fell 13ft before landing on concrete face first.
Deméi Tito, 27, could have died in the accident in Ealing, west London, which happened after she had sat down to ‘take a moment’ and look at the view.
When she went to get up, she put her hand down on what she thought was part of the bridge. It turned out to be a bush and she lost her balance, plunging onto the stone path below.
She woke up covered in blood and had to have an emergency jaw operation after knocking out her front teeth.
Before falling, she had been on her way to visit a friend, who came to look for her when she didn’t arrive as planned on June 24.
Her friend found her by the River Brent below Hanwell Bridge and helped her walk to a nearby A&E where she was immediately given strong pain relief after going inside covered in blood.
![PIC FROM Kennedy News and Media (PICTURED: DEM??I TITO, 27, IN HOSPITAL AFTER THE OPERATION WHEN SHE HAD HER FRONT-RIGHT CRACKED TOOTH REMOVED) An NHS worker is 'lucky to be alive' after plunging 13-FEET from a bridge and landing head first on concrete - crushing her jaw and teeth after landing on her FACE. Dem??i Tito, from Ruislip, West London, was walking to a friend's house last month [July 24th] when she decided to stop and 'take a moment' by sitting on a bridge and enjoying the view over the River Brent in Ealing, London. After a few minutes of drinking in the scenery, the 27-year-old went to get up and put her hand down on what she thought was part of the bridge, but turned out to be a bush. DISCLAIMER: While Kennedy News and Media uses its best endeavours to establish the copyright and authenticity of all pictures supplied, it accepts no liability for any damage, loss or legal action caused by the use of images supplied and the publication of images is solely at your discretion. SEE KENNEDY NEWS COPY - 0161 697 4266](https://metro.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/PRI_195962177-1-e1629740924817.jpg?quality=90&strip=all&w=1024)
X-ray scans show how Deméi’s jaw cracked in half, leaving her in need of reconstructive and cosmetic work likely to cost £12,000.
Deméi, from Ruislip, West London, said: ‘I’m lucky to be alive.
‘I could have landed on my chin and my neck could have snapped. It may have been a totally different outcome for me and it may be for other people if they’re not careful.
‘I’ve always been told I have a really nice smile and it was something that was one of my favourite things about myself.’
The accident happened at around 9pm, after she had been to watch a rugby match in a local bar with friends.
‘I had a couple of drinks – two pints of cider and a couple of Jägerbombs – before I left,’ she said.
‘It wasn’t an extortionate amount, I’d had enough to not be sensible but I definitely still had my wits about me.
‘I was sitting on [the bridge] a couple of weeks before, which I think contributed to my decision to swing my legs over this time.
‘I’d been sitting there for a little bit and it was quite dark when I was about to leave, I put my hand down into the bush instead of the bridge.

‘My reaction time wasn’t the quickest and my weight followed my arm down. I don’t remember any of the fall, the next thing I knew I was on the ground spitting blood.
‘None of my body was injured, the full force of the fall was on my face.’
When she got to A&E, doctors discovered she’d fractured her jaw in three places and cracked several teeth.
‘They gave me morphine while I was there and I dozed off a little bit, but woke up later screaming in pain,’ she said.
‘My jaw was fractured in three places – underneath my chin, and quite high fractures near my ears on both sides.
‘I also had tooth damage. The fall cracked the front right tooth, which was removed during surgery, and my other front tooth is being held in with a wire.
‘The other two on either side of them have moved forward and turned.
‘There are also a few in the back that have cracked and opened so there’s a lot of restorative work needed in terms of fillings and caps.’
Deméi was transferred to Northwick Park Hospital in Harrow for surgery the following day where two plates were inserted.

During a follow-up appointment Deméi was told that due to the severe crush injury to her jaw she may need further jaw surgery before undergoing cosmetic treatments.
Specialists have suggested she will need at least two implants, a bridge, braces and caps and fillings.
Her friend Adelaide Carleton has set up a fundraising page to help cover the costs, which has now reached over £6,000.
Deméi, who’s originally from Auckland in New Zealand, said she feels lucky to have such a supportive social network in the UK.
She said: ‘Out in public it’s a bit embarrassing. I’m happy I can wear a mask when I go out so I don’t have people looking at me in the street.’
Now she is sharing her ordeal so that people know to watch out for hidden dangers when out and about.
Deméi said: ‘I would advise anyone exploring in the UK to just be so careful.
‘This isn’t the first bridge I’ve sat on, I used to do it all the time and didn’t think much of it because I thought “I’m never going to fall”.’
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