
Prisoners could get jobs in butchers and abattoirs to plug staff shortages

A butchers rearranging meat. The meat industry may start hiring prisoners to help make up for the work shortage caused by the coronavirus pandemic and Brexit.
There are currently about 14,000 job vacancies in the UK’s meat industry (Pictures: Getty Images)

Prisoners could soon be employed by the meat industry while it faces a ‘recruitment crisis’.

The pandemic and Brexit has helped to strip the industry of abattoirs, butchers and meat processors, the Association of Independent Meat Suppliers told the BBC.

The pandemic pushed workers on furlough to different professions and Brexit is suspected of encouraging many EU nationals to return to their home countries.

This combination has left around 14,000 job vacancies in the meat business.

The Association had talks with the government on Monday to see if it would be possible to get inmates working with meat to help plug the gap.

The industry body’s Tony Goodger said: ‘(Prisons) have got offenders and prison-leavers, we have got members who need labour. It seems sensible to bring the two together.’

The inmates eligible for the jobs would be those who are already part of the Release On Temporary Licence (ROTL) programme.

A man in handcuffs. The meat industry may start hiring prisoners to help make up for the work shortage caused by the coronavirus pandemic and Brexit.
Businesses could choose what prisoners on the ROTL scheme would be employed (Picture: Getty Images)

This scheme allows lower-risk criminals in open prisons to get work experience in the outside world with the aim of helping them to adapt better when they are freed.

Inmates hired by meat companies would get paid for their labour unless doing unpaid work is part of their sentences, the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) told

Wages would vary according to which businesses inmates work for but wages would ‘probably be less than what an ordinary member of the public would earn’.

Legally, inmates can earn a minimum of £4 a week for any paid work they do while serving their time but companies are allowed to pay them more.

The Association said offenders ‘should be paid the going rate for the job’ and be allowed to keep ‘a set amount from their wages for spending in the prison canteen’ while the balance is kept by prisons and paid to the inmate on release.

The MoJ said: ‘It’s also worth noting that some of the money earned could go to victims’.

Turkey processing giant Bernard Matthews already hires inmates – mostly from Her Majesty’s Prison (HMP) Norwich.

The company often holds recruitment events at the prison and sometimes offers people contracts after they are released.

Many of the inmates who already work in the meat industry are ‘well behaved, hard-working and willing to learn’, Mr Goodger said.

Meat companies would get to choose who they employ and workers would get the opportunity to be trained in food safety, allergens and vacuum packing – helping them to get jobs after serving their time.

The Ministry of Justice said: ‘Helping prisoners find jobs during their sentence and after release makes it much less likely they will reoffend.

‘We will support all industries with skills shortages where possible, and are working towards bringing levels back up towards pre-pandemic levels as restrictions allow.’

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