
Thousands of freed Isis and Al-Qaeda fighters ‘regrouping’ in Afghanistan

Fighters allied to a number of terror groups are among those said to have been released from Afghan jails (Picture: File images)
Fighters allied to a number of terror groups are among those said to have been released from Afghan jails (Picture: File images)

Thousands of jihadi fighters who were released from jails in Afghanistan as the Taliban swept to power are regrouping to carry out attacks on their enemies, a terror analyst has warned.

Ajmal Sohail, a former secular Afghan politician, said they are believed to include notorious figures such as Aslam Farooqi, an Isis-Khorasan (Is-K) ‘mastermind’ who headed the group in the country.

The freed extremists have affiliations to different terror groups, with Al-Qaeda having longstanding links to the new ruler’s high command, but all have the same ‘fanatical’ Islamist ideology, he said.

Mr Sohail told that their influence is already spreading across remote provinces to the east and north of Afghanistan, with groups also including Taliban stakeholder the Haqqani Network seeking to carve out new regional power bases in the changed order.

He spoke as UK and US officials warned of an imminent threat to their troops carrying out the final phases of the increasingly fraught evacuation at the airport in Kabul, where thousands of desperate Afghans have gathered.

Farooqi, last known as an emir in Is-K, as the group is known in Asia, was among 2,000 fighters released by the Taliban from prisons, sources have told research project Ultrascan AGI.

The international monitoring group has been told that the commander, who has a number of aliases, has since set up a military base in a northern province and resumed terrorist activities.

‘Thousands of prisoners who had been loyal to or were associates of Isis-Khorosan and other groups have been released,’ Mr Sohail said.

‘My sources are 99% sure that Farooqi is among them and is in the mountainous Nangarhar Province near to Pakistan.

‘Isis is regrouping and restructuring and they are establishing their strongholds again in the eastern and northern provinces.

‘They are looking to start their first operations, which may take days, hours or weeks, as they reactivate for a new struggle and conflict with the Taliban and the international community.

‘I’ve also had reports that hundreds of Isis members are active in Laghman Province, another mountainous area, where they are getting prepared for the new operations.’

Exc: Thousands of sworn jihadists who released from Afghan jails 'are regrouping for new attacks'
Isis-Khorasan mastermind Aslam Farooqi is among those said to have been freed from Afghan jails by the Taliban (Picture: File image)

Mr Sohail said the Taliban’s focus is on reorientating and consolidating its gains as it enters into power and tries to quash armed opposition in the Panjshir Valley, located around 90 miles north of Kabul.

Although the Taliban and Is-k are enemies, there is not thought to have been any direct assault on the latter’s bases in the rugged terrain where Osama bin Laden and Al-Qaeda were routed by US forces at the battle of Tora Bora in late 2001.

Unimpeded on the ground, thousands of jihadists – also representing terror groups active in China, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan – are regrouping out of sight, Mr Sohail said.

One of the jail breaks took place on August 15 at Pul-e-Charki prison on the outskirts of Kabul, with streams of people filmed walking free after apparently being released by the Taliban in the final stages of the power grab. They were said to include Isis and Al-Qaeda fighters.

The Pul-e-Charki prison can house thousands of prisoners (Picture: Twitter/@RichardEngel)
The Pul-e-Charki prison is thought to have been broken open by the Taliban to release thousands of prisoners (Picture: Twitter/@RichardEngel)

Earlier in the insurgents’ advance, Kandahar jail to the south was reportedly broken open by the group’s fighters, with all of the inmates being released.

‘We are talking about thousands of prisoners who include foreign fighters apprehended by US special forces, NATO or whoever and handed over to Afghan forces,’ Mr Sohail said.

‘They include Uzbeks, Tajiks, Chechens, Arabs and others who had moved to Afghanistan from Iraq and Syria in an exodus when Isis was defeated.

‘There will be clashes between these groups as they compete for the lion’s share of power but at the end of the day we are talking about people who share the same extreme, fanatical ideology.

‘As these groups grow in strength Afghanistan will again be a hotbed for international terrorism and insurgency.’

Crowds of people wait outside the airport in Kabul, Afghanistan August 25, 2021 in this picture obtained from social media. Twitter/DAVID_MARTINON via REUTERS THIS IMAGE HAS BEEN SUPPLIED BY A THIRD PARTY. MANDATORY CREDIT. NO RESALES. NO ARCHIVES
Thousands of people wait outside the airport in Kabul as the Western evacuation reaches its final phases (Picture: Via Reuters source)

Mr Sohail was born in Afghanistan but has spent almost a decade in exile after being granted political asylum in Germany, where he has launched a political group, the Afghanistan Republicanism Salvation Front.

He has contacts with the Taliban and in the wider Middle East who he says must be lobbied to sway the country’s new masters towards a more moderate outlook, away from the most extreme elements within its ranks.

Chief among those likely to turn the country into fertile ground for terror is Farooqi, who was arrested by Afghan forces in April 2020 in Kandahar.

He was Isis’s emir in South and Central Asia at the time, according to analysis by the Counter Extremism Project CEP).

Isis is capitalising on the Western withdrawal from Afghanistan to further its own aims according to expert analysts (Picture: AP/file image)
Isis is capitalising on the Western withdrawal from Afghanistan to further its own aims according to expert analysts (Picture: AP/file image)

David Ibsen, Executive Director of the New York-based think tank, told ‘Farooqi is a dangerous mastermind for Is-K and his potential release undoubtedly poses a grave threat to Western interests and safety.

‘Is-K is infamous for its brutality across the province and has claimed responsibility for numerous attacks across Afghanistan that have killed numerous civilians.

‘They follow Isis’s extreme adherence to Islamic jurisprudence and view the Taliban as apostates.

‘Farooqi is a formidable enemy and his release would only embolden Is-k’s activities in Afghanistan. Already, the terrorist group has threatened to attack Kabul airport, which would indiscriminately kill countless Afghans, foreign soldiers and Taliban members.’

Afghan anti-al-Qaida fighters rest at a former al-Qaida base in the White Mountains near Tora Bora Wednesday Dec. 19, 2001, behind a string of ammunition found after the retreat of al-Qaida members from the area. (AP Photo/David Guttenfelder)
An Afghan anti-Al-Qaeda fighter rests at one of the terror group’s seized bases in the White Mountains near Tora Bora in December 2001 (Picture: AP)

The warnings about the freed jihadists follow UK Defence Secretary Ben Wallace saying the threat from Isis to British troops involved in the airlift at Hamid Karzai International Airport grows with every passing hour.

Mr Ibsen said: ‘Is-K is highly capable of launching an attack on Kabul or its surrounding territories at any point and is one of the key reasons US President Joe Biden insisted on the withdrawal from Afghanistan within the week. Troops and Afghans alike are fearing for their safety at present.

‘After losing ground and being beaten back in recent years, Is-k will certainly be on the hunt to regain their notoriety and reinstate themselves as a menacing force in Afghanistan.

‘Farooqi’s leadership will certainly help them achieve this goal.’

A race against time to evacuate Afghans and Westerners is taking place at the airport ahead of the scheduled US withdrawal on Tuesday.

Thousands of desperate Afghans have surrounded the exit hub with the British effort reported to be due to end this week.

On Tuesday, Mr Wallace told Sky News: ‘As we get closer it’s correct to say the security risk goes up, it gets more and more dangerous.

‘Add-on groups and other terrorist groups like Isis would like to be seen taking credit, would like to be seen chasing the West out of Afghanistan – that will feed their narrative and ambitions.

‘The Taliban control the outer ring outside the airport, which makes it harder for Isis to get through and they’re certainly no friends of the Taliban. But we’re very vulnerable should a terrorist choose to do something.’

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