
Omicron variant ‘unlikely to cause severe illness’ in people with Pfizer jab

Omicron variant 'unlikely to cause severe illness' in people with Pfizer jab
The co-founder of BioNTech has offered reassurance amid warnings Omicron could be resistant to vaccines (Picture: PA/Getty Images/AP)

The pharmaceutical boss behind the Pfizer Covid vaccine has advised people to not ‘freak out’ about the emergence of the ‘worst variant yet’.

Dr Ugur Sahin, co-founder of BioNTech, has admitted Omicron could lead to more infections among the vaccinated.

But he said people jabbed with Pfizer are likely to still be protected from severe illness, in a boost for those concerned across the globe.

The immunologist told The Wall Street Journal: ‘Don’t freak out, the plan remains the same: Speed up the administration of a third booster shot.’

Dr Sahin said the Pfizer jab gives people two levels of protection from coronavirus.

Omicron has the ability to evade the first layer of protection which generates Covid antibodies that help people’s immune systems prevent the virus from infecting cells.

But it’s expected to not break through the second layer, which sees immune cells in the body spring into action to destroy infected cells.

The BioNTech chief said: ’If a virus achieves immune escape, it achieves it against antibodies, but there is the second level of immune response that protects from severe disease – the T-cells.

Sarah Vallotton, aged 58, receives her Pfizer booster jab at Copes Pharmacy in London. Picture date: Tuesday November 30, 2021. PA Photo. Measures to combat the new Omicron variant of coronavirus come into force on Tuesday as the Prime Minister said Covid-19 vaccines and boosters remain the best line of defence. See PA story HEALTH Coronavirus. Photo credit should read: Yui Mok/PA Wire
Sarah Vallotton, aged 58, receives her Pfizer booster jab at Copes Pharmacy in London (Picture: PA)
A dose of the Pfizer booster jab is prepared at Copes Pharmacy in London. Picture date: Tuesday November 30, 2021. PA Photo. Measures to combat the new Omicron variant of coronavirus come into force on Tuesday as the Prime Minister said Covid-19 vaccines and boosters remain the best line of defence. See PA story HEALTH Coronavirus. Photo credit should read: Yui Mok/PA Wire
People have been told to get their third Pfizer jab as soon as possible (Picture: PA)

‘Even as an escape variant, the virus will hardly be able to completely evade the T-cells.’

His reassurance comes as the Government vows to offer all adults a booster by the end of January.

The third jab was previously only available for the over-40s but the NHS will work at ‘breakneck speed’ to expand the rollout.

New restrictions have come in today, with face masks now compulsory in shops and on public transport.

Eight more cases of Omicron have been found in England, bringing the total number across the UK to 13.

The rest of the world is also scrambling to deal with the new variant, with many countries banning flights from South African countries. 

Israel has gone one step further by completely closing borders to foreigners.

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