
Stalker bombarded neighbour with explicit texts after seeing number on parcel

Neighbour stalked woman after her phone number was printed on a parcel ?100 words and pics
Eleanor Maddison’s neighbour started messaging her after seeing her number on a parcel (Picture: Focus Features)

A woman’s neighbour sent her ‘dozens and dozens’ of messages including an explicit photo of his penis after he saw her phone number on a parcel.

Student nurse Eleanor Maddison, 23, ended up going to police and moving house as she was so distressed by the harassment from Jehad Khan, 46.

He repeatedly asked to pay her for sex, told her he loved her, and watched her as she left her home while licking his windows.

The stalking began in January this year when Eleanor ordered some medical books for her course.

She was on a nursing placement when the delivery arrived, so it was left with Khan.

Eleanor said: ‘He called me to say he had my parcel and I arranged to collect it that evening. I’d never met him before and I thanked him and that was that. I realised when I checked the parcel that my mobile number was on the label.’

Later that night, Khan messaged Eleanor saying: ‘Goodnight love, I’m going to work.’

Eleanor said: ‘I ignored the message, but he continued sending love heart emojis and asked if I would go out with him. I told him I had a boyfriend, to try to put him off, but instead he offered me £100 to go on a date with him.

‘He was a middle-aged man, in his forties, and I thought he was inappropriate.’

Despite Eleanor giving no indication she wanted to speak to him, he continued to WhatsApp her.

Eleanor is a student nurse
Eleanor is a student nurse (Picture: Focus Features)
Whatsapp messages from Khan
Khan bombarded her with messages (Picture: Focus Features)
He sent her explicit images
He sent her explicit images (Picture: Focus Features)

‘He sent dozens and dozens of messages and they very quickly became inappropriate and sexual,’ she said.

‘If I hadn’t gone to the police and then moved house, I dread to think how this might have ended.’

She has now started a petition to stop phone numbers being included on the exterior of parcels.

Eleanor had only been living in the student house in Salford with her friend for a couple of months, as they moved in in October 2020.

‘We loved the house and the street seemed okay,’ she said.

But after Khan began messaging her, she no longer felt happy living there.

‘My housemate and me worked alternate shifts so I was often in the house on my own and I didn’t feel safe,’ she said.

‘I kept the blinds closed because I didn’t want him to see me. I didn’t feel comfortable in my own home.’

At first, she said she ‘wasn’t too concerned’ but Khan then said he was in love with her and then sent a photo of a couple kissing in their underwear.

‘I replied asking him to leave me alone, but he sent me an image of a man giving a woman oral sex,’ she said. ‘It really creeped me out.

‘He was sending maybe fifteen messages at once. His house was opposite mine and when I left my home, I’d see him staring at me.

‘On one occasion, he was in his bedroom, and he knocked on the window to get my attention and then began licking his window as he stared at me. It really knocked me sick.

‘Then he messaged offering me £200 for sex and said I was “hot” and “sexy”. I asked him so many times to leave me alone and to stop harassing me.’

Khan has now been given a restraining order
Khan has now been given a restraining order (Picture: Focus Features)

Eleanor confided in family and friends who urged her to contact police.

She says: ‘I sent him a formal message saying that if he ever messaged me again, I would call the police. For nearly two weeks, I didn’t hear from him, and I really thought my ordeal was over.

‘But in early February 2021, he messaged and sent me my own photo from my WhatsApp with a love heart on it. Then he sent a photo saying: “F*** you bitch.”

‘Next, there was a photo of a penis, which turned my stomach.

‘I spoke to the police who said they were aware of Khan and they arrested him that same day.’

Khan was arrested and appeared before Tameside magistrates in October 2021.

He was convicted of harassment and sending malicious communications. He was handed a 12-month community order, a 12-month restraining order, and 20 days rehabilitation, along with 240 hours of unpaid work. He must also pay £500 costs.

Eleanor was left too distressed to remain in her home and she moved to a block with round the clock security. She also changed her phone number.

She says: ‘Before I moved out of the house he stood and stared at me at the window. He didn’t seem to have taken the court case seriously at all.’

Eleanor has now started a petition to remove phone numbers from parcels.

Eleanor says: ‘I do not want anybody else to have to go through what I did. This has affected my studying and my mental health and my family and friends have been worried sick.

‘I have spent a lot of money moving house and protecting myself when all of this could have been avoided.

‘Taking numbers off parcels is a positive step towards keeping women safe.’

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