
Abusive stalker locked up after smearing poo on partner’s car and driveway

Jonathan Roberts
Disgusting Jonathan Roberts attacked the woman before defecating outside her home (Picture: North News and Pictures)

An abusive stalker attacked his partner and had a poo her driveway during a six week campaign of harassment.

Disgusting Jonathan Roberts, 58, has been jailed after defecating outside the woman’s home in Darlington, County Durham.

In a vile final act, he smeared his own faeces on her drive and numberplate.

The horrified victim text Roberts saying, ‘I can’t believe you s* on my car’, to which he responded, ‘I was caught short’.

Teesside Crown Court heard Roberts had previously attacked the woman and left her unable to breath.

Joseph Hedworth, prosecuting, said Roberts had assaulted her on
several occasions during their 15-year relationship and also verbally
tormented her by branding her ‘**ing mad, la-la, and loopy-loop’.

On October 9 last year, Roberts flew into a rage when he accused her of making disparaging remarks about the way he spoke to his son.

In the attack Roberts grabbed the woman around the neck before hitting her to the ground and forcefully pinning her down with his foot.

Describing the attack, Mr Hedworth said: ‘They were in the kitchen together
and without any provocation whatsoever, the defendant used his hand or arm to press against her throat and she could not breathe.

‘He then hit her and she ended up on the kitchen floor. The defendant
pressed down on her chest with his foot and said she could not breathe.’

Mr Hedworth said the following morning the victim confronted the defendant
with he bruising she suffered to her face and chest saying – ‘I hope you’re
happy with your night’s work’ to which he replied – ‘you shouldn’t have said what you did’.

Following the attack, the victim stayed away from Roberts but he continued
to message her and started harassing her over a six-week period.

Mr Hedworth said Roberts attacked the front door with a spade and
threatened to ‘smash her car in’.

As a result, Roberts was arrested but returned to his victim’s home and
this time defecated on her drive and smeared faeces on her car number plate, he added.

The victim explained how Roberts would get to her by targeting her children and her mental health.

She said he would say she was ‘f***ing mad’, ‘barking mad’, a ‘fruit loop’, ‘not all there’ and ‘had a screw loose.’

The woman said he called her daughter ‘the puppet master’ and would refer to her children as ‘clowns’, ‘weirdos’ and ‘pr***s’.

She said Roberts was also seeing another woman for many years during their relationship and he would flit between them, depending on who he wanted.

The victim told the court: ‘I am damaged goods, I have no confidence in speaking to people, I have lost so many friends and at times my family gave up on me. I feel totally isolated and so alone.

‘I will do what it takes to get better and try to understand what is normal in a relationship and what is not. But for now I need time to heal and reflect.’

Roberts, of Chesterfields, Stanhope Road South, Darlington, pleaded guilty
to one charge of assault occasioning actual bodily harm and another charge of
harassment by stalking.

Kelleigh Lodge, in mitigation, said her client had been on remand since his
final arrest in November and this had provided him with his first taste of custody.

She added that he is remorseful for his actions, telling the judge: ‘He is genuinely sorry (for first offence).

‘It would appear, after the initial assault matter, he’s struggled to come to terms with the break down in the relationship which led to the stalking offence.’

The solicitor asked for a suspended sentence, saying there was a realistic prospect of rehabilitation and punishment for him in the community.

But Recorder Aisha Wadoodi sentenced Roberts to a total of 14 months in prison for both offences.

She said: ‘You smeared faeces on her car and driveway, she texted you and
said “I can’t believe you s*** on my car” and your response was “I was caught

That has been your response in the pre-sentence report as opposed to “I’m extremely sorry for what I have done”.’

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