
Learning to drive is the most expensive it’s ever been – here’s how to save on costs

Learning to drive has never been this expensive (Picture: Getty)

Back in 2016, for my 18th birthday, I had the choice between starting my driving lessons or going on a week-long holiday to Zante with my girlfriends.

Now, five years on, not a day goes by where I don’t regret choosing the holiday.

Okay, I’m being dramatic.

But can you blame me?

Somehow, the older I get, the less money I seem to have and, according to new research by car leasing company Nationwide Vehicle Contracts, driving lessons are getting more and more expensive.

In 2021, the average price for driving lessons was £31.50 an hour, according to the research.

Multiply that by the average number of hours it takes to pass – 44, say the Driving Standard Agency’s figures – and that’s a whopping £1,386 on lessons alone, let alone your theory and practical tests.

This is a huge increase in the last forty years: driving lessons were only £10 an hour in 1980-1990.

That means today’s driving lessons are 215% more expensive than back then.

And that’s assuming you pass your test on your first go.

The Government’s website says theory tests are £23 a pop and practicals are £62. 

Let’s say you need two of each, that’s already over £100 added to the total bill of driving.

Thankfully, though, Keith Hawes, Director of Nationwide Vehicle Contracts, has revealed his top tips on how to cut costs while learning to drive. 

Taking a driving lesson.
You can do it (Picture: Getty Images)

How to save money while learning to drive

Hunt for deals

You don’t need to rush finding an instructor just to get your test and lessons out of the way.

Instead, Hawes advises you shop around first.

‘Look around when picking an instructor to find the best deals,’ he says.

‘Many instructors also offer upfront bulk bookings which are likely to help you cut hourly costs down, so always enquire first.’

Practice in between lessons

Sometimes, one or two lessons a week might not be enough, so it could be a good idea to get some learner driver insurance and ask a friend or family member if you can practice with them.

Hawes says: ‘If possible, get insured on a private family or friend’s car and practice in between lessons. 

‘Like finding an instructor, always shop around for learner driver insurance to see which offers the most affordable rates. 

‘Make sure the driver that is supervising you in their car is at least 21 years old and has a valid licence for a minimum of three years.’

Revise for your test

Don’t waste your lessons (and money!) by being too cocky.

Make sure you prepare for your theory test so that you don’t need to fork out for extra lessons and a second slot.

‘Use apps to help improve your driving knowledge outside of lessons and revise the questions that you are likely to be asked,’ says Hawes. 

‘Our report revealed the most popular free driving test app on the app store currently is Driving Theory Test UK 2021.’

Pass on the first go

Finally, do everything in your power to pass on your first go – something that only around 47% of learners manage to do.

Save yourself the extra £60 by trying your absolute best.

‘While not everyone passes the first time, and this is nothing to be ashamed of,’ says Hawes, ‘there are some things you can do to maximise your chances of success when taking your driving test – no matter how many times you’ve done it before.’

How to pass your driving test on the first go

Use your instructor’s car

Doing your driving test in a car you’re comfortable and familiar with driving is one of the most important things to do. Almost all of the time, your instructor will allow you to use their car for the test, so you don’t have to worry about getting to know a new vehicle as well as everything else. 

Have a lesson beforehand

Have an hour before your test with your instructor going over everything you need to know. It will make you feel much more confident going into the test if you’ve had some practice that very day, and you’ll be even more relaxed about it. And the more relaxed you are, the better you’ll drive.

Get to know the test route

In your lesson beforehand, as well as some other lessons previously, have your instructor take you around the test route you’ll be using on the big day. That way, you can familiarise yourself with the roads and any potentially difficult areas with your instructor there with you to talk you through it. On the test day, the roads won’t seem so intimidating after this dry run.

Ask the examiner to repeat requests if needed

Don’t be afraid to ask the examiner to repeat themselves if you didn’t catch the request. They’ll be much more impressed by you wanting to get the correct information than if you just panic and guess, causing you to lose focus and potentially make a mistake.

Exaggerate safety and mirror checks

Your examiner will be looking out for you performing all the necessary safety checks – and this includes mirrors. It may feel unnatural to turn your whole body to look in your mirrors before a manoeuvre, but it just makes it certain to the examiner that you know exactly what checks to do, and when.

  • Keith Hawes, Director, Nationwide Vehicle Contracts

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