
What is NATO and which countries are members?

A map of countries that have joined Nato since the end of the Soviet Union (1990 onwards)
Nato has grown following the dissolution of the Soviet Union (Picture: metro.couk)

NATO has been making headlines around the world recently in the wake of the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

The country invaded its neighbour on February 24, leading to international outcry and heavy sanctions being imposed against Russia – which has also been isolated as many western companies – most recently Mastercard and Visa – have suspended operations there.

Prior to the invasion – which has resulted in a devastating conflict, and over 1.5m Ukrainians fleeing – Vladimir Putin had made his demands clear, wanting legal guarantees that the nation would never be allowed to join NATO.

It argued the alliance has expanded too far eastwards and poses a threat to national security, but Ukraine was not immediately close to joining.

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Russia also warned that there will be ‘serious military and political repercussions’ if Finland and Sweden join the organisation.

But what exactly is NATO, and which countries are currently members?

Here is all you need to know.

What is NATO?

NATO – the North Atlantic Treaty Organization – is a military alliance between countries from Europe and North America.

It was formed in 1949 by 12 countries, including the US, Canada, the UK, and France.

Its aim was originally to counter the threat of post-war Russian expansion in Europe.

Winston Churchill with General Dwight Eisenhower at a NATO conference
NATO was formed in 1949 (Picture: Universal History Archive/Getty Images)

Fast-forward to 2022, among other goals, NATO aims to prevent conflict, with the website stating that it is ‘committed to the peaceful resolution of disputes’.

Members agree to come to one another’s aid in the event of an armed attack against any one member state.

NATO’s headquarters is based in Brussels, Belgium.

Which countries are currently part of NATO?

NATO has expanded over the years, and currently consists of 30 countries.

Flags of nato countries
30 countries are part of NATO (Picture: EMMANUEL DUNAND/AFP via Getty Images)

The members, along with the years that they joined, are as follows:

  • Albania (2009)
  • Belgium (1949)
  • Bulgaria (2004)
  • Canada (1949)
  • Croatia (2009)
  • Czech Republic (1999)
  • Denmark (1949)
  • Estonia (2004)
  • France (1949)
  • Germany (1955)
  • Greece (1952)
  • Hungary (1999)
  • Iceland (1949)
  • Italy (1949)
  • Latvia (2004)
  • Lithuania (2004)
  • Luxembourg (1949)
  • Montenegro (2017)
  • Netherlands (1949)
  • North Macedonia (2020)
  • Norway (1949)
  • Poland (1999)
  • Portugal (1949)
  • Romania (2004)
  • Slovakia (2004)
  • Slovenia (2004)
  • Spain (1982)
  • Turkey (1952)
  • United Kingdom (1949)
  • United States (1949)
NATO member flags fly outside the HQ
NATO currently has 30 member states (Picture: EMMANUEL DUNAND/AFP via Getty)

In total, member states have more than three million personnel, in addition to bountiful arsenals of missiles, jets, fleets, and other weaponry.

NATO troops will not be sent into Ukraine as it isn’t a member. However, it has deployed thousands of troops to Eastern Europe to protect fellow alliance members that neighbour the country.

The organisation is providing strategic advice to Ukraine.

Can new members join NATO?

When NATO launched back in 1949, the treaty organisation only had 12 members. Over the years, it has welcomed numerous new member states.

The most recent member nation to be added was North Macedonia, which joined on March 27, 2020.

The NATO website states that membership is open to ‘any other European state in a position to further the principles of this Treaty and contribute to the security of the North Atlantic area’.

Currently, the organisation recognises Ukraine, Bosnia, and Herzegovina, and Georgia as aspiring members.

Why does Russia not want Ukraine to join NATO?

Ukraine’s membership aspirations have been a major driving force behind the rising tensions between NATO and Russia. Its first application to join the military alliance was submitted in 2008.

In a press conference held in February, Putin summarised his frustrations about it, saying: ‘I want to stress it one more time. I’ve been saying it, but I’d very much want you to finally hear me, and to deliver it to your audience in print, TV and online.

‘Do you understand it or not, that if Ukraine joins NATO and attempts to bring Crimea back by military means, the European countries will be automatically pulled into a war conflict with Russia?’

As Ukraine shares a border with Russia, President Putin wants to prevent it from joining NATO – and thus bringing it right into his own backyard.

More recently, Russia attempted to block Swedish and Finnish membership, arguing that the alliance has expanded too far eastwards and poses a threat to national security.

MORE : What would happen if Russia invaded a NATO country? Article 5 explained

MORE : US targets Putin with sanctions and orders more troops to support Nato

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