
Climate vigilantes styled ‘Grannies For The Future’ glue themselves to council table

'Grannies for the future' glue themselves to council table in protest (01202 558833) Pic: GiovannaLewis/BNPS A pair of protestors who glued themselves to a table in the middle of a council meeting have defended their actions. Activists Giovanna Lewis and Annie Webster burst into a council chamber, glued themselves to a desk and berated Dorset Council for its lack of action on climate change. The two women were booed, heckled and even jostled by councillors before calm was restored by ushering more than 70 councillors into another room to continue their meeting. Cameras broadcasting the meeting were stopped at the moment the pair entered the County Hall chamber, meaning their actions were not broadcast and members of the public watching remotely were not told what was happening.
The protest came during a debate about planning regulations which could have an impact on environment policy (Picture: BNPS)

Two women calling themselves ‘Grannies For The Future’ glued themselves to a table during a council meeting.

Giovanna Lewis and Annie Webster, both aged 64, burst into a meeting of Dorset Council to protest about climate change.

The pair wore t-shirts reading ‘No oil drilling’ and attempted to read out a statement before a councillor snatched the paper from the hands of one of the demonstrators.

They were ‘booed, heckled and even jostled’ by some of the more than 70 councillors in attendance, according to reports.

Members had been debating a motion about fossil fuel and nuclear planning applications in the county at the time.

They were labelled ‘anarchists’ by one councillor following the incident and were spoken to by police.

But they have stood by their actions and said dramatic action is needed avoid climate disaster. (01202 558833) Pic: GiovannaLewis/BNPS A pair of protestors who glued themselves to a table in the middle of a council meeting have defended their actions. Activists Giovanna Lewis and Annie Webster burst into a council chamber, glued themselves to a desk and berated Dorset Council for its lack of action on climate change. The two women were booed, heckled and even jostled by councillors before calm was restored by ushering more than 70 councillors into another room to continue their meeting. Cameras broadcasting the meeting were stopped at the moment the pair entered the County Hall chamber, meaning their actions were not broadcast and members of the public watching remotely were not told what was happening.
The pair glued their hands to a table in the middle of a council meeting (Picture: BNPS)

Ms Lewis said: ‘People are not taking this seriously enough, including Dorset Council, virtually all the world experts agree we have two or three years to take decisive action on climate, after that it will be too late.

‘If they are serious about their climate and ecological emergency declaration, to pass Clare Sutton’s motion would have been an easy thing to do.

‘By voting against it Dorset Council has lost a small, but important chance, to lobby for change. 

‘If we are ever going to stop climate change we need to be able to stop planning applications for oil and gas, so we were very cross they didn’t do that.

‘Every day millions of pounds of taxpayers’ money is used to subsidise the nuclear and oil industries when we could be diverting that money into renewable energy.

‘We decided to make a stand and scream from the rooftops this wasn’t good enough.’

Councillors were ushered into another room to continue their meeting and cameras broadcasting the event were stopped at the moment the pair entered the chamber at County Hall, Dorchester.

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