
Care home resident, 89, does physio to be fit enough for first ever skydive

Dennis Moulton doing the skydive for charity
Dennis Moulton says ‘age is only a number’ (Picture: Care UK/Dashwood Manor)

A pensioner whose lifelong dream was to skydive managed to achieve it before his ninetieth birthday.

Dennis Moulton, 89, had to go to physio twice a week for a month to get fit enough to do the jump, as the first time he tried he could not lift his legs up enough for the landing.

Undeterred, he put in the hours to get more mobility and eventually managed, jumping out of a plane at 15,000 feet last month.

He got the idea after staff at his care home in Hampshire installed a ‘wishing tree’ where residents could suggest ideas for new hobbies they’d like to try, places they’d like to visit or activities linked to past careers.

Denis said he wanted to think of a ‘decent’ request – and he didn’t disappoint.

‘It was splendid,’ he said after the jump. ‘I felt like my hard work paid off.

‘The feeling of free-falling was just amazing, and I was just trying to take it all in. It was better than I ever expected.

‘Age is only a number. You can do anything if you are determined.’

He has also raised over £2,500 for end-of-life charity Marie Curie, which provides nursing care to people with terminal illness in its hospices and people’s own homes across the UK.

Denis was joined on his jump by Care UK staff, who run his care home.

Regional Directors Eileen Coyle-Jones and Angi Knight as well as customer relations manager Leahanne Wilkinson had decided to support Dennis by jumping out the plane right next to him.

They had originally planned the skydive on March 25. They were minutes away from jumping when, despite his best efforts, Dennis struggled to lift his legs up to the height needed for the landing.

Denis was not defeated, however, and went to the in-house physiotherapist twice a week while doing his own exercises every-day, to ensure he was strong enough to fulfil his dream.

After being given the okay to go ahead, the new date was set for just over one month later.

Dil Perera, home manager at Dashwood Manor, said: ‘All the team and residents have been looking forward to the big day and it was wonderful to see the smile on Dennis’s face as he landed on the ground. I would like to thank the team for helping to organise the wish for Dennis and especially to Leahanne, Eileen and Angi who jumped out of the plane by his side.

‘We cannot wait to organise the next wish – who knows what it could be, the sky is the limit!’

Michelle Martin, fundraising director at Marie Curie said: ‘Thank goodness for Dennis. This is the story we all need right now! On behalf of the whole charity, I want to say a huge thank you to Dennis.

‘The money he has raised will help us care for people affected by terminal illness all over the UK and I suspect that when people see his amazing achievement he’ll smash his fundraising target. I know Dennis will inspire so many people out there who will, just like Dennis, reach new heights with their fundraising.’

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