
Uber Eats driver delivers food, takes photo, then walks off with it

The driver took a photo of the food but then put it back in his box and left
The driver took a photo of the food but then put it back in his box and left (Picture: SWNS)

A man confused by the mystery of his vanished takeaway eventually worked out that the delivery driver had walked off with it.

Jon Cawdron, 42, spent almost £40 on Chinese food to be delivered to his door in Blackpool this weekend.

When nothing materialised, he contacted Uber Eats to ask for a refund.

But they told him that the driver had taken a photo proving that he had received the food, and refused to give him his money back.

Luckily, Jon was able to get to the bottom of what happened as he has CCTV at his guest house, the Sands Hotel on the promenade.

By looking at the footage from the time in question, he was able to see that the driver stopped outside, walked up the path, took the food out of a box, took a photo, then picked it back up again and left.

It was only when he produced the CCTV evidence that Uber Eats agreed to reimburse him with £39.44 for his family dinner.

Jon, who also works as a freelance photographer, has now warned other customers to be aware of the trick.

CCTV from the Sands Hotel captured the entire incident
CCTV from the Sands Hotel captured the entire incident (Picture: Jon Cawdron/SWNS)

‘Obviously, if I hadn’t got the CCTV footage, then I would be stuck, and I wouldn’t have got my money back or anything,’ he said.

‘What about the other houses that don’t have cameras? I’m more concerned about who else this has been happening to.’

Jon said the alleged theft took place at around 6.20pm on May 1, after he’d ordered the food from Lucky House Chinese Restaurant in Blackpool.

He said: ‘It seemed to be taking a while, so I phoned up the takeaway to find out what happened.

‘They turned round and said it got delivered a while ago, and when I looked on the Uber Eats app, it showed a photo of it being delivered.’

Jon first thought that a guest at his hotel could have taken the food, and he was shocked to find out the ‘delivery’ was not what it seemed.

‘I made an official complaint to Uber Eats about the driver and uploaded the video, and since then, I got lots of messages saying it was happening a lot in Blackpool,’ he said.

An Uber Eats spokesperson said: ‘Couriers working with us are expected to follow strict community guidelines on delivering orders and what has been described is totally unacceptable.

‘I can confirm we have refunded Jon in full and are investigating this report.’

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