
When to drop your child’s final nap

Boy sleeping on bed holding a soft toy by his side
Just when you get used to those few hours to yourself, the nap starts to slip away from you (Credits: Getty Images)

Is your child’s sleep messed up at night? Napping later in the day? Then it may be time to lose the snooze. While naps can be a godsend to keep your child well-rested and energetic, as well as allowing parents a little downtime, they can become problematic.

Sleep expert and birth coach, Victoria Warnes, shares her tips on dropping the nap and keeping a happy child.

Signs to look out for

A child dropping their nap can vary and there is no hard and fast rule on when it may occur, the average age being between two to five years.

While some can even be a little earlier or later, Victoria recommends looking out for signs, rather than comparing with other children, as these may be easier to spot than you think.

‘One of the main signals is that their nighttime sleep will be affected. You may notice it’s harder to settle them at their normal bedtime or they begin waking in the night or very early in the morning. Other signs include showing no sleepiness during the day or having resistance to naps generally.’

If their naps are later and later in the day then it can mean they are ready to tackle it.

How to overcome it

Some children have that ‘in-between time,’ a stage where they have dropped their nap but are irritable by late afternoon, making it difficult for them to focus or control their emotions.

Making small changes to their bedtime routine can help greatly.

The NHS recommends engaging in a wind-down routine of at least 20 minutes before bedtime while Victoria says that ‘temporarily bringing forward their bath and bedtime by an hour can bridge the gap in the short term.’

Toddler and mother napping
Is your little one waking up earlier or struggling to go to sleep at night? These might be signs that they are ready to give up their final nap (Credits: Getty Images)

What to do if they are at nursery or school

Many parents worry about how the nursery or even school will handle the removal of naps and feel apprehensive about dropping them during term time.

Victoria explains that communication is key and recommends explaining your child’s current routine to the settings so that they can be on board to support you with any transitions.

While she recommends keeping them awake with fresh air and activities if you can if it is not always possible it’s important not to stress.

‘If you find they are dropping off to sleep on the way home – then let them. It is better to have a short power nap and be able for them to manage a meal before bath and bed than be irritable and upset. Not to mention preserving your own positive wellbeing which is just as important.’

If sleep is already disrupted

If your child’s sleep has never been on a schedule, it can feel even more challenging to eliminate their nap, particularly if they wake in the night frequently and may need some extra shuteye.

Victoria believes that following cues will help.

‘If they have never been good at sticking to a schedule then transitioning to no naps won’t necessarily make them a better sleeper, but equally don’t feel like you should persevere with trying to get them to nap. Every child at every developmental stage will be different but the key takeout is to not have long naps too close to bedtime!’

Changes in their behaviour

Dropping a nap, particularly if they are in the halfway zone, can result in changes to how your little ones are feeling and behaving. They can show more irritability, are less willing to engage and can even be hyperactive or have tantrums.

Victoria explains that this is a normal transition of their sleep pattern changing and their body getting used to the finishing of nap times.

‘Have realistic expectations. If they are dropping a nap, they are bound to be a little more irritable In the afternoons. So, manage playdates or activities to accommodate this in the short term.

‘Plenty of cuddles and understanding along with celebrating this “grown-up” milestone with them will make them feel special and loved.’

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