
Giant card featuring naked Boris Johnson running for the exit delivered to Number 10

A grim 6ft-tall goodbye card for Boris Johnson was delivered to No10
Open Britain campaigners had the goodbye present filled with messages from critics of the PM (Picture: PA)

A giant leaving card depicting a naked Boris Johnson sprinting away from smouldering Britain has been delivered to Downing Street.

The bleak six foot-tall ‘gift’ is filled with ghosts of the elderly killed by Covid, while Evgeny Lebedev, a Russian businessman the prime minister made a life peer, stands by a helicopter waiting to whisk him away.

It was also filled with messages from thousands of critics, including children of NHS workers worked to their limits during the Covid-19 crisis.

It was commissioned by campaign group Open Britain and designed by satirical artist Cold War Steve, real name Christopher Spencer.

One message inside read: ‘My wonderful mum – a brilliant yet horribly overworked NHS surgeon for over 30 years – died in 2020 and I had to watch her tiny Covid-restricted funeral online from my home rather than being there. 

‘Meanwhile you were partying. You have no shame. You have no conscience. You have no integrity. You won’t be missed.’

Another said: ‘When a clown moves into the castle he doesn’t become a king, the castle becomes a circus. Good riddance.’

Open Britain said it wanted to give the public the chance to ‘express their feelings about the PM’ and ‘debunk’ the idea Johnson got the big decisions right’.

A grim 6ft-tall goodbye card for Boris Johnson was delivered to No10
The image was designed by Cold War Steve (Picture: PA)

Its chief executive Mark Kieran said: ‘We couldn’t allow the worst prime minister in living memory to slip away quietly, claiming he was one of the greatest.

‘He may be able to pull the wool over the of his chums in parliament, but millions of people who have suffered and are still suffering because of his mismanagement of the country and know that his place in history is assured for all the wrong reasons.

‘The leaving card will be a sobering record of the disappointment and anger felt by ordinary people at Johnson’s lie, incompetence and corruption.

‘It will serve as a stark warning to future leaders that we, the people will tolerate this rotten politics any more.’

Campaigning in the Tory leadership election over and the UK is a few days away from finding out who its new prime minister will be.

Voting officially closed at 5pm on Friday and the last ballots will be counted over the weekend.

Liz Tuss and Rishi Sunak will learn their fate on Monday but the former is widely expected to triumph.

Mr Johnson is expected to deliver a resignation speech on Tuesday before officially leaving office.

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