
How many members does the Conservative Party have?

Conservative leadership bid
The Conservative leadership race is almost over (Picture: PA)

Voting has closed, the counting has begun, and we are just one day away from finding out who the UK’s next Prime Minister will be.

Liz Truss and Rishi Sunak were the final two Conservative Party MPs left in the race for the top spot after seeing out Penny Mordaunt in the fifth round of ballots.

The vote comes after Boris Johnson announced his resignation as Prime Minister following a brutal rebellion from his own party.

The PM confirmed he will make way in a statement outside Downing Street but stopped short of resigning with immediate effect, saying he would stay on as caretaker prime minister until a new Conservative leader is chosen.

Tomorrow, Mr Johnson will be stepping down and a new Prime Minister will take his place, likely spending much of the day deciding who will sit in their cabinet.

The leader has been voted by other members of the Conservative Party – but just how many members does the party have?

How many members does the Conservative Party have?

Currently, there are an estimated 180,000 to 200,000 Conservative Party members.

Around 154,500 were registered and eligible to vote in the last leadership election, but the party has said the number has increased in the past three years.

Party members are the only people that were able to vote in the current leadership election.

In comparison, according to the most recent data, the Labour Party has 432,000 members, The SNP has around 104,000 members, the Liberal Democrats 74,000, the Green Party 54,000, and Plaid Cymru 10,000.

Liz Truss
Liz Truss is considered to be the front-runner in the leadership race (Picture: Christopher Furlong / Getty)

As for Members of Parliament, the Conservative Party holds a majority in the house of commons with 357 Tory MPs.

Labour has 200, while the SNP holds 44 seats.

Liberal Democrats have 12 seats, while there are 10 Independents seats, eight DUPs, seven Sinn Sinn Féin, and three from Plaid Cymru.

The Alba Party and the Social Democratic and Labour Party both have two seats, and the Alliance Party and Green Party each have one.

Rishi Sunak
Rishi Sunak has consistently been shown to be the popular choice between Tory MPs for the next Prime Minister (Picture: Geoff Caddick / AFP)

How can you join the Conservative Party?

Although it is too late to vote in the current leadership election, you can join the Tory Party at any time on the official Conservative website.

Those aged under 26 can join for just £5 a year, and receive all the standard benefits, but for those over the age of 26, it costs £25 a year.

Membership is £15 per year for those in the Armed Forces.

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