
Boris Johnson warns we face ‘bumpy’ time until Christmas and beyond

Prime Minister Boris Johnson arrives at BBC Broadcasting House in London to appear on the Andrew Marr show.
The Prime Minister was appearing on the Andrew Marr show this morning (Picture: PA)

Boris Johnson has warned Brits that they face a ‘bumpy’ ride to Christmas and possibly beyond. 

The Prime Minister said it was possible that there could be a vaccine before the festive period but admitted that many are ‘furious’ with him over his handling of the coronavirus crisis. 

He was accused of ‘over promising and under delivering’ on the BBC’s Andrew Marr show this morning and grilled on the 10pm pub curfew. 

Mr Johnson told the programme that it is ‘going to continue to be bumpy through to Christmas, it may even be bumpy beyond’. He continued: ‘I appreciate the fatigue that people are experiencing… but we have to work together, follow the guidance and get the virus down whilst keeping the economy moving.’

Mr Marr interrupted and said ‘people are exhausted, they’re furious’. 

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The PM replied: ‘They’re furious at me and they’re furious for the Government, but… this is the only way to do it.’

He also admitted that he ‘understood’ people’s frustrations amid differing lockdown measures across the country but suggested we be in a ‘different world’ come spring. 

But he went on to suggest what may happen if the Government ‘let it rip’, in reference to those who suggest local lockdowns are inappropriate or that restrictive measures are wrong.

He said: ‘As Prime Minister I couldn’t take a course that could expose us to tens of thousands more deaths in very short order.

‘And, you know, we’ve got to continue to bear down on this virus, whilst protecting the economy. That’s the balance we’ve got to strike.’

He urged Brits to behave ‘fearlessly but with common sense’ and said there was hope. 

However, he said that as a nation ‘we are slightly too fat’, admitting that it did not help him when he suffered from Covid-19 – which that was a ‘teachable moment’ for the country. But he played down suggestions that he may be suffering after affects from the virus, suggesting he would bring his ‘usual’ ‘buoyancy and elan’ back to the role when the crisis was over.

Accused of repeatedly over promising and under delivering during the crisis, the PM did not directly address concerns that the country does not yet have a ‘world beating’ test and trace system, claiming that his government did ‘turn the tide’ of the pandemic. 

Mr Johnson defended the controversial 10pm curfew and blamed people who chose to ‘hobnob’ outside pubs after hours for the sometimes chaotic scenes in city centres at closing time.

Asked what scientific evidence there was for the widely-criticised cut-off time, he said: ‘One of the things that has been put to us is that by curtailing the hours you can reduce the transmission.’

He said there was a ‘significant’ chance that the coronavirus situation could be different by Christmas.

But, he added: ‘This could be a very tough winter for all of us – we’ve got to face that fact.’

Though he said a vaccine is possible by Christmas he also said he does not ‘want to get people’s hopes up on the vaccine unnecessarily’.

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