
What time is Boris Johnson’s announcement today?

Prime Minister Boris Johnson
Prime Minister Boris Johnson is expected to introduce a new three-tier lockdown plan for England today. (Picture: Finnbarr Webster/Getty Images)

With the UK at a ‘tipping point’ in terms of rising coronavirus infection rates, the Prime Minister Boris Johnson is expected to make a statement today, outlining new measures to curb the steep increase in new cases.

Oxford University professor Professor Peter Horby, who is also the chairman of the new and emerging respiratory virus threats advisory group (Nervtag), told Andrew Marr over the weekend that the UK is in a ‘precarious position’ due to the rising number of coronavirus cases, hospital admissions and deaths.

‘We are already seeing in some parts of the north that some hospitals are starting to see the pressure. We have a doubling time of about eight to 15 days so it is not long before those ICU beds could be full and we could be in a really difficult situation.

‘So I am afraid we are going to have to make some very difficult choices and act very quickly.’

The Prime Minister is expected to give an update in the House of Commons today and then address the nation to share the government’s latest plan to fight the virus and regain control of the increasing infection rate.

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What time is Boris Johnson’s announcement today?

Most of Boris Johnson announcement is expected to be made public at around 3.30pm when he gives his update to the House of Commons in parliament.

Mr Johnson is expected to make an announcement regarding a three-tier lockdown plan, which will see England divided into different categories, subject to different lockdown rules, depending on the rate of infection per area.

The introduction of the new three-tier lockdown system is then expected to be explained and laid out by the PM in an address to the nation later on this afternoon, after his update in the House of Commons.

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