
Domestic abuse survivor reveals what Christmas inside a refuge is like

'a thousand words' commissioned by Scottish Womens Aid and Zero Tolerance. Copyright Laura Dodsworth
Domestic abuse survivors face increased isolation and stress during the Christmas season (Picture: Laura Dodsworth-copyright/Posed by model)

A domestic abuse survivor who fled her violent partner while pregnant has opened a window into life inside a women’s refuge at Christmas.

Daisy endured two years of physical and emotional abuse, including being thrown down the stairs, after meeting her tormentor when she was aged 19.

Her partner told her to lie about her injuries before she finally escaped to a refuge on the other side of the country last October.

She struggled to adapt to living in a shelter until moving to a smaller, independent haven, which is a member of the wider Women’s Aid Federation of England, where she found her ‘family’ and spent Christmas Day.

Daisy shed tears at being separated from loved ones but sat down to dinner with others who had been through similar ordeals.

She now ‘dreads’ to think about what other women and girls are going through with the added pressure of Covid-19 rules during the 2020 festive season.

The survivor, now 25, said: ‘Christmas day was hard. I missed my family massively, it was heart-breaking.

‘We spoke on FaceTime and had a little cry. Although it was tough, the women in the refuge made it a Christmas to remember.

‘No staff came in that day so it was up to us.

‘We had our own kitchens, so one of us cooked the veg, someone else did the meat, others did puddings and we laid the table with a Christmas tablecloth and crackers that had been donated. There were people of all religions so we treated it like a Sunday dinner so no one was left out.

‘We had a glass of wine and the people who did not drink alcohol had some juice instead. Then after dinner, we pulled all the cushions on the floor and watched a Christmas film on TV. It was so touching to see all our seven families together, bonded by our shared experience.’

Daisy’s former partner intensified his reign of abuse after she fell pregnant with their child aged 21.

‘When I was six months pregnant he threw me down the stairs,’ she said.

‘He told me to say I’d been tripped. The midwives kept asking if there was abuse in my home but I kept repeating, “I tripped”.

A young Asian woman suffering from domestic violence stands alone in the bay window of her home. (Photo by In Pictures Ltd./Corbis via Getty Images)
Victims of domestic violence can seek help online as charities warn that the lockdown will make it more difficult for vulnerable people to seek help (Picture: Getty)

‘They ended up getting social services involved, who said he was a risk and had a prison record.

‘I knew he was dangerous but I was scared of him. I felt overwhelmed,

‘I did not know who to trust. But my social worker really understood about domestic abuse. I started trusting him and telling the truth.’

Together with her six-month-old son, Ben, Daisy first moved to a refuge on the other side of the country in Suffolk.

Still traumatized by the abuse, she found the accommodation too big and encountered others who had problems with drug addiction.

The Women’s Aid volunteer said: ‘At this point I still did not realise how serious the abuse was and I still felt controlled by him.

‘Although I had left him physically, it was like his personality was trapped inside my head.

‘It wasn’t until I moved to the second refuge, a member service of Women’s Aid, that I began to recover.

‘It was like a family from the start. I could chat to staff and I felt less isolated. I would write down what happened, take it to the office, the staff would shred it, and it would be out of my life, forgotten.

'a thousand words' commissioned by Scottish Womens Aid and Zero Tolerance. Copyright Laura Dodsworth
A survivor of domestic abuse has reached out to others to say they help is out there and they will be believed and understood (Picture: Laura Dodsworth-copyright/Posed by model)

‘We didn’t have to tell each other our stories but everybody was open and we all supported each other.

‘Someone would describe what happened to them and how they got over it.

‘We had such a special bond between us. We would sit together in the evening after the kids had gone to bed, have a chat and a laugh.’

At the second shelter, which offers full, specialised support for survivors of domestic abuse, the women would take part in activities including making glass mosaics on clay, which were put into a museum in a nearby town.

‘One afternoon we put our handprints on paper and hung it in the house – it was like our family portrait,’ Daisy said.

‘We had weekly house meetings which we had to attend to talk through any problems but not in a heated way and you could bring up anything that was on your mind. The staff members were there to witness. It was really secure.’

'a thousand words' commissioned by Scottish Womens Aid and Zero Tolerance. Copyright Laura Dodsworth
Victims of domestic abuse face control by their tormentors and may be afraid to reach out for help (Picure: Laura Dodsworth-copyright)

Now living independently and with Ben aged four, the survivor’s thoughts are with others who find themselves cut off from family and friends at a time of year already considered a ‘mini-lockdown’ by women’s groups.

‘I dread to think what other survivors are going through,’ she said. ‘You feel so trapped.

‘My hope is that people realise that they are free to leave.

‘Leaving is one of the most high-risk times for a survivor because the abuser usually gets violent.

‘So it is important to get safety information from a domestic abuse charity or a trusted professional.

‘If you have that information and are ready to leave, then survivors need to know they are free to travel under lockdown if they are fleeing abuse.’

Physical violence is not the only barrier that victims of domestic abuse face when trying to break free of their abusers.

‘I thought I was in a normal relationship and abuse was part of life,’ Daisy said.

‘Like many survivors, I downplayed what was happening to me. I would say to myself he had only hit me a few times and my ex would tell me “you are alone, no one will believe you”. He was wrong.

‘When I started sharing my story, other survivors believed me and understood what I had gone through.’

Daisy is volunteering as a spokesperson for Women’s Aid at a critical time for the services it provides. The federation says specialist refuges face financial pressures because they miss out on funding which goes to the larger providers.

'a thousand words' commissioned by Scottish Womens Aid and Zero Tolerance. Copyright Laura Dodsworth
A domestic abuse survivor has told how she found a new ‘family’ at a women’s refuge run by Women’s Aid (Picture: Laura Dodsworth-copyright/posed by model)

Last week, ministers announced an extra £11million support package for victims of rape and domestic abuse, which adds to an existing £76million pledged in May to help the most vulnerable in society.

However Women’s Aid has described existing funding shortfalls and the Covid-19 pandemic as a ‘perfect storm’ and estimates that an investment of £393million a year is needed to secure a ‘sustainable refuge sector and vital community support’.

Daisy said: ‘It is important to know you can call 999 if you are in any danger.

‘If you have a mobile phone but are scared to be overheard, use the Silent Solution: call 999, listen and respond to the instructions and make yourself heard by coughing, tapping the handset, or, once prompted by the automated system, by pressing 55.

‘Police will then be able to make enquiries to respond.’

Domestic abuse help can also be sought here.

*Daisy and Ben are assumed names

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