
What does Slava Ukraini mean?

City view of Kiev
‘Slava Ukraini’ has undergone a resurgence in Ukraine in recent years (Picture: Getty Images)

Boris Johnson has shown his solidarity with the Ukrainian people during a statement in the Commons, as he unveiled a package of the ‘most severe’ sanctions against Russia.

“In this moment of agony I want to say we are with you and on your side,’ Boris Johnson said in his message to Ukraine.

‘Your right to choose your own destiny is a right the UK and our allies will always defend. And in that spirit I join you by saying “Slava Ukraini!”.’

The famous Ukrainian greeting dates back over 100 years – but just what is its meaning?

What does ‘Slava Ukraini’ mean?

‘Slava Ukraini’ is a Ukrainian national salute which means quite simply ‘glory to Ukraine’.

It has military origins, having first become popular during the Ukrainian War Of Independence from 1917-1921.

The phrase then became part of the lexicon of Ukrainian nationalists in the 1920s.

It once again began to be heard at rallies and demonstrations in Ukraine in the late 1980s and early 1990s, becoming a popular patriotic slogan after the country declared independence in 1991.

More recently ‘Slava Ukraini’ has undergone a resurgence in popularity, being used during the 2014 Ukrainian Revolution – and the country’s former president Petro Poroshenko used it to conclude his speech to the United States Congress in Washington DC that year.

May Day Ukraine
The phrase has become the official greeting of the armed forces in Ukraine (Picture: Getty Images)

It is also commonly used by world leaders as a greeting to Ukraine.

Since then the phrase has become the official greeting of the armed forces of Ukraine, in a bill which was passed by the country’s Parliament in 2018.

It is also the official greeting of the National Police of Ukraine – and the national football team wore it on their kits during a UEFA League Champions Match in 2018, although they were asked to remove it by UEFA after it was deemed ‘too political and militaristic.

MORE : Sean Penn attends presidential press briefing in Kyiv as he returns to Ukraine amid Russian invasion for documentary

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Russia/Ukraine invasion: all you need to know

Russian forces have launched an attack on Ukraine, with swathes of the country – including capital city Kyiv, bring hit by rocket strikes.

Troops from Russia crossed the Crimea border into Ukraine in the early hours of February 24 after President Vladimir Putin gave the order for his invasion to begin.

Boris Johnson launched a scathing attack on the Russian leader as he unveiled a package of sanctions against the country, saying said Putin ‘will never be able to cleanse the blood of Ukraine from his hands’ and will be ‘condemned’ in the eyes of history.

He said President Vladimir Putin’s regime would be condemned to ‘pariah status’ after unleashing its ‘tidal wave of violence’ against its western neighbour.

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