
Psychedelic drug DMT could ‘revolutionise’ how we treat depression

Psychedelic experience
DMT and other psychedelics could be a game-changer for therapy (Picture: Getty Images/iStockphoto)

Picture yourself shaking up a snow globe and watching what unfolds inside.

Things might look chaotic and distorted at first, but as things start to settle, a clear view of a picturesque scene emerges.

This is how Dr Carol Routledge tries to illustrate how hallucinogenic drug DMT (dimethyltryptamine) could be used to drastically change the way people undergo therapy.

As chief scientific and medical officer at Small Pharma, she is overseeing a clinical trial on how this powerful substance, also known as the ‘spirit molecule’, could potentially help people suffering from depression and anxiety.

The study, in collaboration with Imperial College London, is the first of its kind in the world and will involve patients tripping on the drug in a safe and controlled clinical setting before opening up to a therapist or psychologist.

While research on the therapeutic benefits of other psychedelics including LSD, magic mushrooms and ketamine has been going on for some years with promising results, Dr Routledge explains why bringing DMT to the therapy room could be a game changer.

She told ‘The psychedelic experience with psilocybin (the active ingredient in magic mushrooms) is six to eight hours, which means if you’re developing that as a treatment, the in-clinic part takes a very long time.

‘Whereas with DMT that experience is over so much more rapidly, even though the benefit is long term.’

Also known as hoasca, daime, iag??, santo-daime and vegetal, it is an entheogenic drink from the combination of the
DMT occurs in many plants and also many animals, including humans (Picture: Getty Images)

The first stage of the trial, starting next month, will see healthy participants, with no history of mental health conditions, and no experience of psychedelic drugs, receive a dose of DMT infused intravenously.

As no clinical studies have been done on this before, the idea is to see how people react to different doses and the maximum strength needed for a therapeutic benefit.

Giving a drug as powerful as DMT to first-time trippers might sound alarming to some, but Dr Routledge says it is actually ‘incredibly safe’, especially when taken in the controlled setting researchers are providing.

She adds: ‘Even when you don’t take it in the controlled environment that we’re going to give it in and even when you don’t take it with the therapy wrapped around it, it doesn’t cause any psychiatric disturbance. There isn’t abuse liability, and there isn’t dependence liability.’

The next part of the trial will see people suffering from depression receiving the drug, after staying in the clinic overnight and undergoing a medical examination.

Dr Carol Routledge, chief scientific and medical officer of Small Pharma, who are underoing clinical trials with Imperial College London into the therapeutic benefits of DMT
Dr Carol Routledge says DMT is ‘incredibly safe’, especially in controlled, clinical settings (Picture: Small Pharma)

Dr Routledge says: ‘The dosing room is set up to make them feel really relaxed, there’s mellow music playing, there’s a therapist and psychiatrist in the room and there will be a research nurse to take blood.

‘DMT will then be infused over a period of about 10 minutes. The experience lasts about 20 minutes and we’ll take blood samples during that time.

‘We want to take blood samples to show how much DMT is in their body and how long it lasts and what kind of levels it gets to.

‘The subject lies on the bed and the therapist or psychiatrist talks them through what they’re going to experience to help them gain the most out of what they’re going to experience. It’s called setting.’

Researchers will also take EG recordings to observe brain patterns and afterwards, a therapist or psychiatrist will talk to them about the experience, asking them what they thought different aspects of it meant and set them in the right direction.

Psychedelic experience
Psychedelics could have longer lasting benefits than anti-depressants with fewer side effects (Picture: Getty Images/iStockphoto)

Dr Routledge adds: ‘They kind of go on a journey into themselves, and that’s when they can think of things that happened in the past that are painful. They can think of things that happened in the past that are really pleasurable, but all of that is really important for the therapeutic benefit you gain afterwards.

‘Sometimes it can be a bit traumatic if they think of something that they experienced that could potentially be one of the root causes of their depression.’

Explaining what actually happens inside your brain while tripping and how it could help in therapy, Dr Routledge says: ‘What psychedelics do is they disrupt some of the ruminative neural pathways in your brain.

‘Clearly it’s a lot more complex than this, but let’s say you went through a really traumatic experience and that’s the cause of your depression.

‘What your mind does is it goes over and over and over what happened to you until you get these really strong neuronal pathways that are these negative feedback loops and it’s very, very difficult to shift your mindset out of those.

‘And even though anti-depressants can make you feel better about it – what psychedelics do is they disrupt that ingrained neuronal connectivity and they cause a lot of new connections in the brain to be made – they increase the synaptic connections, which are basically the connections between your brain cells and your brain.

‘They increase the plasticity of your brain so you can get out of this ruminative thought process and this ruminative behaviour, so they kind of almost reset the brain and then the therapy helps you deal with that setting and puts you on the right track.

Ayahuasca blend
Ayahuasca is drink made of plants containing DMT, often used in shamanistic rituals in South America (Picture: Getty Images)

‘It’s like one of those Christmas snow globes. When you shake them up you get all of this snow spinning around.

‘Slowly as it settles you start to make much more positive connections and many, many more of them.

‘Your thought processes start to come back to the normal pre-antidepressant thought processes and then the therapy takes you in the right direction. It resets your neural connections and then the therapy does the work.’

It’s important to note that Small Pharma have been licensed to manufacture DMT in a tightly controlled lab, and that they do not recommend people finding the drug on the streets and taking it in an uncontrolled setting.

Dr Routledge says taking it by yourself might ‘give you an immediate sense of wellbeing’, but the chances of it ridding someone of chronic depression are ‘virtually nil’ without the proper setting and therapy afterwards.

She adds: ‘The two things together are really important. It’s DMT-assisted psychotherapy.’

‘People can have psychotherapy on its own, it does work in some people but it takes a very long time for the benefits to become apparent and it doesn’t tend to work that well in most people, but the DMT assists that psychotherapy.’

After decades of stigma, partly due to the criminalisation of many psychedelic drugs and negative portrayals in the media, research into these substances is making a comeback.

When asked how confident she was they could one day be commonly used to assist therapy, Dr Routledge said: ‘I have seen enough data to know that these approaches and this approach particularly will revolutionise how we treat these depressive and anxiety disorders. It is a when not an if.’

She says regulators including the USA’s Food and Drug Administration are ‘really keen’ and see the potential in these drugs.

The pharmaceutical industry is ‘still a bit sceptical and wary’, but is slowly starting to ‘come on board’ the more they learn about how they work.

Dr Routledge points out that anti-depressants, while helpful for many people, don’t really get to the root cause of people’s problems and have many more side effects.

In comparison, someone might only need two DMT sessions, six months apart, with a few therapy sessions in-between to combat their depression.

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Dr Routledge added: ‘That may change your brain connectivity, increase the synaptic plasticity and then a couple of therapy sessions will keep that benefit there.

‘It will really change the paradigm for treatment of depressive and anxiety disorder.

‘If you can develop an antidepressant that has an immediate onset, because most anti-depressants take weeks for the benefits to come on – and then that benefit lasts months and months.

‘When people start to see that, honestly it will be a no brainer. How can you hold that treatment back from people who really need it?’

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