
Is your cat extra clingy post-lockdown? Here’s why – and what to do about it

Calico cat standing up on hind legs begging for treat
Some cats will be experiencing separation anxiety as their owners return to old routines (Picture: Getty Images/iStockphoto)

Recently we dished out the news that many cats are fed up of their owners spending so much time at home, and shared signs that your cat might want you to leave them alone.

But some cat owners report an opposite effect of lockdowns and home-working: their cat is needier than ever.

You’ll know what we’re talking about if your cat follows you around the house, watches you pee, and seems genuinely sad when you stop the cuddles for a minute.

It turns out that our lockdown lifestyles have left some cats clingy, overly attached, and with a major case of separation anxiety.

‘As pets across the country have adjusted to having their owners at home 24/7, some dogs and cats may find it distressing to now spend more time alone,’ Ali Taylor, head of canine behaviour at Battersea, tells

‘While dogs are more likely to suffer from separation anxiety, cats can also find it stressful when their routine changes suddenly.’

Cats and kittens who were adopted mid-pandemic are more likely to show this sort of lockdown-induced excess attachment, as they will have experienced more contact time than usual just as they were figuring out their relationship with you.

Tabby cat pawing at glass
Your cat might not leave you alone for even a minute (Picture: Getty Images)

But even the most formerly-distant feline may have grown to depend on you a little more while you’ve been spending more time around.

Some signs that your cat may be struggling with separation anxiety or an excessive attachment to you include:

  • Excessive meowing or crying
  • Changes in appetite and eating, especially when you’re not home
  • Excessive grooming
  • Peeing or pooing outside the litter box
  • Destructive behaviour when you leave the house or just after you return
  • Vomiting
  • Eager greetings the second you come home
  • Following you everywhere you go around the house and refusing to leave your side
  • Waking you up in the middle of the night for attention
  • Being super friendly with you, but hiding if any other human comes to visit

While your cat’s increased affection might seem cute at first (and a welcome change from previously standoffish pets), it can quickly become frustrating.

Your sleep might be disrupted, perhaps you’re unable to walk into the kitchen without being meowed at, and you’ll come home to find your posessions covered in pee and cat hair.

Plus, it’s important to note that the ‘anxiety’ part of separation anxiety is a big deal. When your cat is so clingy that they’re distressed at even the idea of you leaving for a bit, that’s cause for concern. No one wants their kitty to be unhappy.

So, how can you fix this?

British blue shorthair pet cat looking up
A clingy cat might meow at you non-stop (Picture: Getty Images)

There are some steps you can take to ease your cat back into normal life, and get them used to you being out of the house for longer periods of time. Try these….

Get a cat cam. This will help to document any issues that are occurring when you’re outside of the house, and give you a proper handle on your cat’s anxiety levels.

Establish a routine. If you’ve been lying in and snuggling with your cat while your commute is gone, it’s vital you start to establish your old timings once more. Set your alarm for the time you usually would if you were going to work, and try not to fuss over your cat during times you’re working.

If you’re working from home, do it in a different room from your pet. Set those boundaries, so your workspace isn’t the same as their playspace.

Give your cat some enrichment toys. Boredom is not good for cats. Whether you’re leaving the house or just going on your computer for a few hours, give your cat something to keep them mentally stimulated, such as a puzzle feeder loaded with treats.

Looking up at cat
They’ll pester you for treats and affection (Picture: Getty Images)

Build up time alone. Show your cat that when you leave, you will come back. So, start out by leaving the home for just ten minutes, then coming back and saying hi. Then try longer outings, slowly adjusting to longer periods outside of the home.

Consider a cat flap. ‘Cats might have become accustomed to having someone home all day to let them in and out of the house or having open windows to use for quick access,’ say the Battersea team. ‘Suddenly restricting this access might be confusing, so it could be a good time to consider installing a cat flap.’

Add in some ‘safe’ places. Ever wondered why cats love boxes? It’s because they love to hide in spaces that feel safe and secure. Ensure your pet has spaces they can retreat to when they’re feeling overwhelmed, whether that’s a perch high up (cats love to be above everyone else) or a cosy basket.

Never ‘punish’ a cat for showing signs of stress. Shouting at your cat or trying any other form of punishment won’t change their behaviour – it’ll just make them all the more anxious.

Try not to make a big deal of leaving the house. If you do a big song and dance each time you set off for work, your cat is going to think your departure is a bigger deal than it is.

Ignore attention-seeking behaviour and reward good behaviour. Don’t give your cat treats to stop them loudly meowing at you, or give them strokes after they’ve pawed your face at 3am. Try to ignore behaviours you don’t want to encourage, and instead offer up treats and play when your cat is being calm and happy.

Talk with a professional. If your cat is showing extreme anxiety and you’re struggling to help, don’t feel silly about going to the vets or talking to a feline behaviourist – they’ll be able to recommend techniques or even medication to help your cat relax.

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