Today we’re having what’s known as Blue Moon.
Astrologically, it’s a big deal. It’s thought this time can give us room to bring in change and transformation.
This full moon is in Aquarius and it’s the second to sit in this sign in a row (after July 24), and so it comes charged with a little extra power.
Kirsty Gallagher, author and the moon expert behind Lunar Living, tells that the saying ‘once in a blue moon’ couldn’t be truer for tonight when the moon graces our skies.
Here’s what you need to know.
What is this Blue Moon about energetically?
‘A blue moon adds extra energy to the already potent illuminating power of a full moon,’ Kirsty tells us, ‘it helps you to clearly see all the things that you put off doing and how you can take steps towards making them happen.’
It’s possible that you might find yourself noticing or reflecting on:
- What is it that you always put on hold?
- Where and how do you hold yourself back?
- Where do you stay stuck or small?
- What idea or dream comes back to you over and over again, yet you ignore it?
This moon is here to help you recognise these things and give a little push to guide you towards making changes – changes that you’ve probably been putting off for some time.
Kirsty says: ‘There may be a real feeling of things shifting around this full moon, a sense of a stirring energy in the pit of your belly, and you might find yourself prowling, pacing up and down and feeling restless and restricted, as this moon calls you to break free.
‘You will be able to see and feel so clearly all the areas in your life where you are stuck – bound not just by external factors but also by yourself.
‘You will feel as though you are fed up with being held down and held back and the need for freedom will be strong.
‘You’ll realise how exhausted you are from pretending to be someone or something you’re not or doing and saying the things expected of you for so long.’
This moon is your opportunity to bring in a breath of fresh air and embrace doing the things you need, which might not necessarily correlate to what you want.
It’s there for the taking – if you can go with the feelings that could arise.
What can you do to make the most of the Blue Moon?
The first step is letting go.
‘This moon can have quite an emotionally detached quality to it, which makes it good for letting go of emotional attachments and anything that has been restricting you,’ Kirsty says.
‘This will help you to break out of patterns of behaviors that no longer serve, and to release all that’s not meant for you, once and for all.’
It’s a time to have ‘faith in where your journey is taking you’ and most importantly, to trust and back yourself.
‘When you let things fall away, you will be left with the most authentic version of yourself and what is lasting and true for you. This is the greatest freedom,’ she adds.
Kirsty advises spending time exploring who you are and who you want to be – then use this moon as a launch pad into that.
Use the Aquarius full moon to...
- Link your head and your heart. Kirsty advises writing a list of all your heart’s ‘deep stirrings and callings’, along with an action for each.
- Make a clean break. Kirsty says: ‘Make a list of any areas of your life, relationships and situations that you find yourself in that stifle your freedom or hold you back. Have these things run their course? And is it time to let them go over the waning moon?’
- Prepare for change. ‘The Aquarius moon will show you clearly how you will want to rebel and create more freedom in your life. Make a list of small changes you can implement, bit by bit, over the waning moon, to bring a bigger overall change,’ Kirsty suggests.
You might choose to journal as a way into deeper thinking. Use these as starting prompts:
- Where do you feel most stuck and held back, or as though you are always trying to live up to other people’s or society’s expectations?
- What patterns do you tend to repeat in your life over and over again?
- How do you always hold yourself back? What restrictions, limiting beliefs or unrealistic expectations do you put on yourself?
- What do you need to allow to fall away from your life under this full moon?
- Who would you be if you were completely free to be yourself? How would your life be different?
You can also hold a burning ceremony after doing this, by taking your list of things you want to release and then reading them aloud before safely burning them under the full moon.
Kirsty’s book, Lunar Living Journal, can be a helpful tool when working with the moon.
Do you have a story to share?
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