
Sex-crazed spiders set to invade homes this autumn

Spiders will start coming back into homes after the warm spell of weather (Picture: Getty Images)

Sex-crazed spiders are set to invade our homes this autumn and it is arachnophobes’ worst nightmare come true.

September coincides with spiders’ breeding season and more of them are expected to be seen scuttling around houses because many of them are expecting babies.

Some may have been living in homes this summer but as temperatures cool, the eight-legged creatures begin to wander around more.

Spiders prefer breeding and nesting in cosy homes in the autumn because it saves them having to build webs in gardens.

Arachnophobes will be pleased to know however there are certain techniques which keep the critters at bay, according to

Arachnophobes beware! (Picture: Getty Images)

A spokesman for the firm told the Daily Record: ‘The start of September sees the beginning of the spider mating season, so people will find more spiders in their home than usual.

‘It is usually the male species that they see out and about looking for partners to mate with.

‘Ahead of the autumn months, it is important to prepare to keep the spiders out of your home by thinking ahead and gathering the items that can be of help to you.’

Here are the techniques:


The best advice for people is to declutter their homes, because spiders take solace in clutter and find places to hide.

Getting rid of jumble or boxes not needed is a great starting point.

Cleaning surfaces by vacuuming also helps because crumbs can attract other insects which in turn attract spiders.

daddy long legs
Daddy long legs are a common sight across many homes (Picture: Getty Images)

Spider-repellent herbs

Basil plants are known to keep the eight-legged creatures at bay because they are sensitive to the herb.

Mint also works and keeps ants, mosquitoes and house flies at bay too.


Spiders are sensitive to spices like cinnamon.

By keeping some in the kitchen or using cinnamon essential oil, this will ensure the insects stay away.


Another classic cupboard staple, but it does wonders keeping the spiders away.

The pungent smell of the vegetable is said to be off-putting for the creatures.

Using a relaxing scent

Lavendar is a great scent to ward off spiders and scented candles are also known to make spiders run away.


Finally believe it or not, flowers can also be used to ward off spiders.

Chrysanthemums are not liked at all by spiders and what is even better is they will make your home look stunning.

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