
Drunk woman threw pint glass at bartender because he wouldn’t serve her

Leah Brosnan walking on the phone.
Leah Brosnan was ordered to complete another nine-month alcohol treatment programme (Picture: Cavendish Press)

A woman who threw a pint glass at a bartender for refusing her alcohol because she was already drunk has escaped jail.

Roy Irving would not serve Leah Brosnan, 29, when she walked into Edwards Wine Bar at Hadfield train station in Derbyshire in May.

Prosecutor Tineka O’Mara said: ‘Miss Brosnan became quite difficult with the manager.

‘She picked up beer mats and began throwing them around and was shouting and swearing.

‘She called him a “f***Ing wanker”. She refused to leave the premises and threw a pint pot at the direction of the manager.

‘Luckily, he moved and the pint pot hit the bar behind him and smashed. He tried to get her out of the bar.

‘He was concerned for his own safety. If it had hit him, it would have caused significant injury.

Leah Brosnan taking a selfie in a car.
Brosnan’s lawyer told the court about her ‘very difficult upbringing’ (Picture: Cavendish Press)
Leah Brosnan a ladette lout who escaped jail after agreeing to get treatment for alchol problems has walked free again after she hurled a pint glass at a pub landlord in a fit of rage when he refused to serve her for being drunk. Disclaimer: While Cavendish Press (Manchester) Ltd uses its' best endeavours to establish the copyright and authenticity of all pictures supplied, it accepts no liability for any damage, loss or legal action caused by the use of images supplied. The publication of images is solely at your discretion. For terms and conditions see
The 29-year-old called the manager a ‘f***Ing wanker’ and then threw a pint glass at him (Picture: Cavendish Press)

‘He was concerned not just for his own safety but concerned for the patrons who were still inside the bar.’

Brosnan eventually left the pub and was later arrested on April 13. She pleaded guilty to common assault and trespassing on the railway.

Tameside Magistrates Court heard how the outburst happened just eight months after Brosnan was ordered to complete an alcohol treatment plan – after she was prosecuted for trying to kick and bite a police officer last September.

At the time she claimed she had anxiety and depression and insisted she needed help for her drinking.

Her defence lawyer for the most recent offence detailed Brosnan’s ‘very difficult upbringing’.

He said: ‘She was bullied, very badly abused and it carried on when she went into education. There is a reference to her father’s suicide. She still suffers from PTSD in relation to the abuse and the death of her father.

‘Her mother is not in a very good place. She is a drug user and has depression. She has allowed Miss Brosnan to use her address as a care-of address but they are not close.

‘Looking at the offence. It’s not a pleasant offence. It’s bad. It’s not right that people should do that.

‘If they have problems they need treatment. That’s what they should be doing – having their problems treated.’

Brosnan was ordered to complete another nine-month alcohol treatment programme and pay Mr Irving £50 compensation.

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